Music you listen to while going through cards, ripping packs, being on the board...

I would really like to know what music you like to listen to while going through your cards or participating in other aspects of the hobby. Right now I'm listening to the Yoshida Brothers- Kodo (Inside the Sun Remix). You're probably wondering, "What the heck?!" If you've seen the Nintendo Wii commericals, it's the song on that. What do you listen to?
Don't know why it's always been my thing.
But if music... Bob Dylan, Warren Zevon, or Todd Snider...
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Ray Charles- Genius Loves Company
Burt Bacharach
Kill Bill Soundtrack
Usually tons of Dylan, Grateful Dead (been on a huge PigPen kick lately), Beatles, Beach Boys, Tom Petty or Tom Waits, but I recently purchased a set of those old Union 76 45's of my man Vin Scully chatting up various members of the 1965/66 Dodgers, so I've had those playing on the turntable. Only problem is that I always end up listening to the interview and the canned sounds of batting practice in the background instead of looking at the cards in my hand. Would be nice to convert those interviews over to CD at some point...
Got Metallica booted up as i type--"Fight Fire"
Even got video to go with it.
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