2007 Fanfests....

So who's planning on, or has already gone, to their team's fanfest/caravan/convention/whatever?? If you've already went, who'd ya get auto's from? I plan on going to the Braves Winter Fanfest in February and will be getting there 2 hours early to get....who else?? Andruw Jones!! I still haven't met him yet. I have this team-signed banner that I've been working on since 2005 and I still don't have Andruw on it yet!
<< <i>Will Chipper be signing? >>
Yes he signs every year. But you'd have to get there really early. Last year I arrived an hour-and-a-half early, and when the gates opened, I STILL had a half-hour wait to meet Chipper. That's how long the lines were