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How's the Weather Affecting You?

I'm home today.

The city is shut down! Ice everywhere!

So, I'm working on my room.



  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    Im cold....
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • kcballboykcballboy Posts: 1,405 ✭✭✭
    Cold and kickin'. I was going to work this morning and hit the wiper fluid to clean off my dirty windshield. The stuff froze immediately and made the vision even worse. I guess its about time to winterize my truck.
  • Spoiled here in NJ. The most we've had this winter was a flurry last week and 0" of snow so far (knock on wood).

    Maybe I did the right thing not to buy a snow plow for this winter.
    Take the plunge into my ebay store
  • Forty and overcast in suburban DC . . . Just like all winter.

    My parents have been hovering around zero in MPLS, however.

    Gosh, I miss that stuff!
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
  • mkg809mkg809 Posts: 1,320 ✭✭
    Finally gettin' cold here in SW Virginia
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    Our high today is 48. Low is usually 20-30, but that's nothing
    compared to most who have it really bad. Regardless, I'll take winter over summer all year long.
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    Its risen almost 20 degrees here today in Des Moines, from -9 this morning to a whopping 10 above right now.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    been ok here in NY, however old man winter is gonna be blowin hard the next few days. 2 weeks ago it hit 75!

    Good for you.
  • BigRedMachineBigRedMachine Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭
    It's cold enough that I decided to stay home instead of braving the elements and going out to build a house today.

    It doesn't pay well, but hey, the wife's working. (Shhhh, don't tell her I said that)

  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    I work in Portland,OR, and live in Vancouver,WA(just over the bridge), We got pounded with 7 inches of snow today. High is 27 right now.

  • << <i>Forty and overcast in suburban DC . . . Just like all winter.

    Gosh, I miss that stuff! >>

    Yep, I'm working on my photobucket and working on a bottle of Cuervo.
    Mark Mulder rookies
    Chipper Jones rookies
    Orlando Cabrera rookies
    Lawrence Taylor
    Sam Huff
    Lavar Arrington
    NY Giants
    NY Yankees
    NJ Nets
    NJ Devils
    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • Lets See,
    On the way to work this morning -21 degrees. Pushed snow all day, high 6+, low tonight -12 to -20.
    Love the Rockies..................................................
    Living and Loving in the Mountains of Colorado !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
  • cohocorpcohocorp Posts: 1,371 ✭✭
    so far a very mild winter in nj. but pretty much everyone around here is sick.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    I just saw an *incredible* sunset over lower manhattan.
  • 80 here in central Fla. and the Spring Training feeling is in the air, about to take my 20 month old to his first Spring Training soon.
  • eyeboneeyebone Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭
    Mildest winter I can EVER remember here in southern Ontario, with a stretch of several weeks above freezing and no snow whatsoever!!! There were numerous days over the holidays where my wife and I would go for our daily walk wearing only shoes and light jackets as opposed to the usual bundle of tuques, gloves and scarves. Reality has set in over the past few days, however, with snowfall and temperatures dropping way below zero (I will not attempt to convert from celsius to farenheit).

    "I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
  • kcballboykcballboy Posts: 1,405 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Mildest winter I can EVER remember here in southern Ontario, with a stretch of several weeks above freezing and no snow whatsoever!!! There were numerous days over the holidays where my wife and I would go for our daily walk wearing only shoes and light jackets as opposed to the usual bundle of tuques, gloves and scarves. Reality has set in over the past few days, however, with snowfall and temperatures dropping way below zero (I will not attempt to convert from celsius to farenheit).

    Eyebone >>

    I understand it may be warmer than usual, but that is no reason for you and your wife to go out without your pants. image
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭
    Somebody send some cold air my way. The 80 degree weather down here in Florida is killing me. Im not supposed to be sweating at work during my fall cutting schedule but thats exactly what Im doing.

    Dont get me wrong, its easier than summer-time weather but a break from the heat would be nice.

    Thats why we are going up to Gatlinburg Tenn. Highs in the 30's and 40's next week, and hopefully a lot of snow up in the Smokies. I cant wait image
  • It was freezing cold here in Southern California this past weekend. The coldest weekend in years I'm sure.

    This cold snap destroyed alot of crops...

    Billion dollar orange crop devestated

    I wonder how much prices will go up??
  • Cold and a few flurries here in NE Kentucky. Windy with a chill that cuts through. But, it's been a long time coming with all the pleasant weather we've had here lately.
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    I was in LA this past weekend and it really was freezing overnight. COLDEST I ever experienced down there. Even colder up here in Sac (in the 20's the last few nights). SUCKS! I am ready to move to Hawaii.

    As for Matt heading to Gatlinburg, please go to Great Smokies Tattoo (second tattoo parlor on right as you enter town (if coming from P'forge). Ask for Earl, tell him John sent you and get a big tattoo. Maybe a big picture of Emmitt on one arm and Troy on the other!? Ok, maybe a Dallas Cowboy's logo!? I want to make sure my mom gets her rent check! image

  • El Nino is beginning to kick into high gear. Watch for more wet cold weather from the Pacific NW down to SoCal. More of the cold, snow and ice for CO, OK, KS, NE, TX. Stormy and getting colder in the SE. The Northeast may be the only place to stay unseasonably warm but wet, places like NYC, NJ, DE, MD, DC, Eastern PA. This will continue until April with the height in February.

    All this keeps me in work, but I hate to see people struggle with the weather, especially tornadoes which we're watching for in the SE.

    80 here in SW FL today. Bosox and Twins heading to town very soon. Some players have been here already, namely Joe Mauer. Twins facility is a mile from home and the Bosox about four miles.
  • Whole state of oklahoma's buried under a coulple inches of ice. Collect pre-war mainly. Have tons of 70's-80's if anyones interested?
  • calleochocalleocho Posts: 1,569 ✭✭
    its nice in south florida

    about 80 or so...no hurricanes and little rain.

    "Women should be obscene and not heard. "
    Groucho Marx
  • HoofHeartedHoofHearted Posts: 2,537 ✭✭

    << <i>I work in Portland,OR, and live in Vancouver,WA(just over the bridge), We got pounded with 7 inches of snow today. High is 27 right now. >>

    Yup, I stayed home today due to the same snow/ice storm. I'm putting chains on the cars tonight because it's supposed to stay below freezing for at least a couple more days. I'm still using the same snow shovel I brought with us from Minnesota back in '89! And this is the second time I've ever had to use chains in my life.

    Hopefully I'll have some time to enjoy the collection tonight. How's your card room coming along, Mike?! I may have missed something, but are you in the processing of remodeling or anything like that?? Pics are a must if and when you finish!
  • HoofHeartedHoofHearted Posts: 2,537 ✭✭

    << <i>Whole state of oklahoma's buried under a coulple inches of ice. Collect pre-war mainly. Have tons of 70's-80's if anyones interested? >>

    Hey, Cherokee! I see this is your first post. Welcome!

    You might find some takers for some of your '70s-'80s stuff here. Is any of it graded??
  • What's the weather like in Orlando?

    I'm leaving thursday for an 8 day trip...Disneyworld, the whole works. Suppose to be 60's-70's into next week. I hope it's not hot and humid like summer time weather. No thanks.
  • TreetopTreetop Posts: 1,474
    It was freezing cold here in Southern California this past weekend. The coldest weekend in years I'm sure.

    I agree! I've actually worn long pants for 4-5 days now!!! And a coat in the mornings.......Its been tough out here!!
    Link to my current Ebay auctions

    "If I ever decided to do a book, I've already got the title-The Bases Were Loaded and So Was I"-Jim Fregosi
  • no complaints from NYC......baseball only a few weeks away and STILL NO SNOW........who said global warming was bad?
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    worn long pants for 4-5 days now!!!

    Funny. I wore shorts all weekend, in LA, and people thought I was crazy. I DID have to wear a sweatshirt though. At night it was freezing so had to wear long pants and a jacket. People in LA were freaking out with the morning ice and such. A plane crashed near Van Nuys airport and a reporter suggested, "it has not been determined yet if weather had anything to do with the crash." You know, it was like 45 that morning and dude was wondering if that "cold" weather may cause a plane to go down!? I love LA!!!
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    We are finally getting it back here in Michigan, Sunday was pretty icy in the morning and then we got a few inches of snow yesterday.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Murphy's Law 101

    Case Study

    My house is 12 yrs old. So when does thermostat go out?

    Of course on the coldest and nastiest day of the year!!!

    300 bucks later, we up and running!

    What a day.

  • << <i>It was freezing cold here in Southern California this past weekend. The coldest weekend in years I'm sure.

    This cold snap destroyed alot of crops...

    Billion dollar orange crop devestated

    I wonder how much prices will go up?? >>

    I'm in the Orange/Potato business. We lost about 50 acres of oranges. Less than 10% of our acerage. We started picking early and when news of freeze hit we picked like crazy on the uninsured fields. Prices on Sat. we rose $10 per 50 lb. carton on average but we are holding off on selling any more to see how high the market goes. In stores on Sat a 10 lb.bag was $1 now $1.50. Wont know how bad it was until we can inspect fruit with X-Ray,float etc..

    edited* Just heard organic oranges-40 lb box was $13-20 now selling for $45 !!!!!!!!
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    I'm in a suburb of Cleveland called Parma, we finally got some snow today...couple inches...first snow we've had since first week of December....can't complain about that......and the weather is supposed to warm up the next two days so it will all melt.....so far got to love this winter!!!


  • << <i>worn long pants for 4-5 days now!!!

    Funny. I wore shorts all weekend, in LA, and people thought I was crazy. I DID have to wear a sweatshirt though. At night it was freezing so had to wear long pants and a jacket. People in LA were freaking out with the morning ice and such. A plane crashed near Van Nuys airport and a reporter suggested, "it has not been determined yet if weather had anything to do with the crash." You know, it was like 45 that morning and dude was wondering if that "cold" weather may cause a plane to go down!? I love LA!!! >>

    I went out to see that crash this past weekend. Just freezing...my ears were getting cold.

    Of course freezing around here is a warm day for 90% of the country. No complaints...
  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,901 ✭✭✭
    It's finally cold! Just got back from putting the six and seven year olds through their first outdoor hockey practice. It was still at least five degrees so I don't think they sufferred too much. image
  • It was still at least five degrees so I don't think they sufferred too much.

    Kids today are too soft! Do they even know what long johns are?

    Only time they see a ski mask is when someone robs a bank!
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
  • SidePocketSidePocket Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭
    You guys on the East Coast don't know what cold is. Here in SoCal it's so cold I had to wear a sweater vest when I played golf Saturday. I still wore shorts, but that sweater vest was really aggravating.

    "Molon Labe"

  • << <i>I'm in a suburb of Cleveland called Parma, we finally got some snow today...couple inches...first snow we've had since first week of December....can't complain about that......and the weather is supposed to warm up the next two days so it will all melt.....so far got to love this winter!!!

    al. >>

    Hey, I used to live in Aurora! I miss Cleveland sometimes.
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    You guys on the East Coast don't know what cold is. Here in SoCal it's so cold I had to wear a sweater vest when I played golf Saturday. I still wore shorts, but that sweater vest was really aggravating.

    ... and that is one more reason why California is the best.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Last night we lost our power at midnight!

    I was tired and went to bed. Power came on at 3AM - city closed!

    That's two days!

    This event wouldn't even register on Richter scale in the NE! Lay down salt and everyone is ready to go.

    But here in the southland - I doubt they even have enough sand and trucks to blanket the city!

    And luckily - we don't salt the roads at all.

  • October 13th we had a freak snowstorm here in Buffalo and lost power for 8 DAYS... Talk about a marriage tester - crammed into the warmest room in the house with 2 fat cats, no cable or internet for more than a week... The rest of winter should be a cakewalk compared to that, as long we avoid any of those crazy lake-effect storms that bring 8 ft of snow over a 3 day period.image
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>October 13th we had a freak snowstorm here in Buffalo and lost power for 8 DAYS... Talk about a marriage tester - crammed into the warmest room in the house with 2 fat cats, no cable or internet for more than a week... The rest of winter should be a cakewalk compared to that, as long we avoid any of those crazy lake-effect storms that bring 8 ft of snow over a 3 day period.image >>

    That incredible!

    How many people were without power that long?

    We have gas heated water - I assume that would work but no heat - no TV - no internet!!!

    Did ya go to work or what?

    That's just incredible - incredible!

  • << <i>That incredible! >>

    Most of the area lost power for at least a few days (a couple hundred thousand people) many people were out longer than us. My inlaws and 3 sisters were all out as long as us, so there was nowhere to run. I think I read today it was about 3 weeks before everyone got the cable back. We had gas hot water, cell phones, gas grill, and a generator so we were better off than some, but it was still a long 8 days. Unluckily for me October is a pretty slow month for me, so it fell on me to check on aging relatives, etc... My wife is a retail manager, the mall got power back after 5 days and she was able to go to work.

    There was no better sound than the sounds of silence when all the generators in my neighborhood finally shut down.

    eta - heres a link from wikipedia that's fairy accuate about some of the damage..

    and there was thunder and lightning, but it was closer to 30 inches of snow in my driveway in the morning.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I was stationed at Ft. Drum for one year - I retired from there.

    I never want to be that cold again!

    Glad to hear everything is OK now!

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