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Bonds is such a tool

The Daily News, quoting several sources, said that Bonds tested positive and then initially blamed the results on a substance he used that he found in the locker of teammate Mark Sweeney. A source told MLB.com that the story is accurate.

Now, if you were someone such as Bonds who has enough trouble with "substances", do you take something that you "found in a teammates locker" ???

What a putz!


  • Sweeney's Greenies!

  • i hope the Feds speed up their investigation of Bonds' Perjury because pitchers and catchers report in 7 weeks!

    you cant hit 22 HR's sitting in a jail cell!
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Sweeney's Greenies! >>

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mike Schmidt was on ESPN and admitted to taking them at times during his career.

    I think those have always been part of the baseball player's armamentarium.

  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    Say hello to the new T.O. It's always somebody's fault but their own. What a loser. I hope his arss ends up in jail.
  • I think they need to take a look at, and possibly revoke, many of the player records from the "Steriod-era", 1980-2005.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    naw "Tools" are useful image
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    bonds testicles have left the building...

    remember ken caminiti? he had to have surgery during the off season to allow his testicles to re-descend!


  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "you cant hit 22 HR's sitting in a jail cell! "


    If they locked him up until he was 60-years old,
    some promoter/agent would talk MLB into letting
    him sign just to bust the number.

    AND, the fans would pay millions to watch him do it.
    Not everybody "hates" him.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭

    i disagree w/ your post (respectfully of course), outside of the city, he gets little or NO love bro.

    i lived there for 3 years and loved bonds, have sfgazette w/ hr #73 on cover, but i think he has basically run his course w/ public and finally now mlb.

  • The same thing that big mac got bonds will get also. No hall of fame just shame.
  • It's a shame this juiced cesspool of mediocrity had to mar the record books.

    That McGwire-Sosa deal was a travesty to the game of baseball.
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭
    Pete Rose did greenies I heard too. Still love Pete and he should be in the hall, along with McGwire and Bonds. chaz
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...Still love Pete and he should be in the hall, along with McGwire and Bonds."


    If Mc and Bonds had not used illegal drugs, would their games have
    been HOF-worthy? Maybe not.

    If Rose had not gambled, would his game have been HOF-worthy?
    Certainly, yes.

    That is why the apples and oranges comparison that even I sometimes
    make, does not really apply here. I wish it did though, and I would
    certainly let the druggies in, if Rose could go in, too.

    The latest carp about Bonds going rat/liar on his teammate could be
    the end of the line; at least for a number of years.

    I still say that not EVERYBODY "hates" Bonds enough to boycott him
    if he went on a streak toward the number. Sophisticated fans seem
    to "hate" him more than casual observers of the game do.


    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭

    << <i>"...Still love Pete and he should be in the hall, along with McGwire and Bonds."


    If Mc and Bonds had not used illegal drugs, would their games have
    been HOF-worthy? Maybe not.

    If Rose had not gambled, would his game have been HOF-worthy?
    Certainly, yes.

    That is why the apples and oranges comparison that even I sometimes
    make, does not really apply here. I wish it did though, and I would
    certainly let the druggies in, if Rose could go in, too.

    The latest carp about Bonds going rat/liar on his teammate could be
    the end of the line; at least for a number of years.

    I still say that not EVERYBODY "hates" Bonds enough to boycott him
    if he went on a streak toward the number. Sophisticated fans seem
    to "hate" him more than casual observers of the game do.

    Are you kidding me??? Bonds certainly a HOFer and a real good shot for McGwire. chaz

    storm >>

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭

    << <i>storm,

    i disagree w/ your post (respectfully of course), outside of the city, he gets little or NO love bro.

    i lived there for 3 years and loved bonds, have sfgazette w/ hr #73 on cover, but i think he has basically run his course w/ public and finally now mlb.

    julen >>

    julen, you're absolutely right. I live in central CA, and the Bonds apologists are rampant here. They're fun to laugh at, though.


  • Only in America would a man such as Bonds be universally hated, condemned, "hung" high, who had never been charged with a crime, much less convicted of one, and has never failed a steroid test. Sheep and shills for the media--puppets of the regime. When they come to take your guns away I hope you are paying attention a little more. Bonds is innocent until proven guilty. Canseco's book isn't "proof", and neither is his weight gain. I like Bonds and I don't think he owes the fans, MLB, or anyone else any explanation.
  • Gotta love the "anonymous sources".

    Pimp On....

    Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
  • so Bonds hates the press and they hate him. MLB turned the other way when they knew all this crap was going on. So, now that the public is screaming for action, they want to do something about it? Too late. And the Bonds haters are leading the charge because you just don't like his personality. It has nothing to do with alleged steroid use. If it did, then you would dislike McGwire and you don't. You probably wouldn't have like Ty Cobb's personality either. Thankfully he didn't play in the modern era where the press finds everything about a player's life interesting and newsworthy.

    MLB players have been taking performance altering substances since the early to mi-30s. Greenies have been used extensively. Maybe they don't have as clear an impact on performance as steroids, but nobody can deny they have some impact. So why don't we just wipe out the HOF from the 30s forward.

    I don't give a crap about whether someone is a nice guy or not or whether the press likes him. It has no bearing on his HOF credentials. If it did, Cobb would have been left out.

    You have to draw the line in the sand but anybody playing the game now, "accused" of taking banned substances in the past, even if it is proven somehow, should be considered HOF worthy. If they implement proper testing and one of these guys is caught going forward, that is a different story. You can't make Bonds the scapegoats or the martyrs for all the past sins of MLB.

    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
  • shagrotn77shagrotn77 Posts: 5,616 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Bonds is innocent until proven guilty. Canseco's book isn't "proof", and neither is his weight gain. >>

    I have an idea. Join a gym and start a heavy lifting regimen, every other day, for the next 3 years. You can load up on protein all you want, but no performance enhancing steroids or HGH. Then report back to us on how much muscle you were able to pack on naturally during that time. My point is, the human body is only capable of so much on its own. If you look at bodybuilders from say the 50's or 60's, you'll see what I mean. The evidence that Bonds juiced, and for a long time (and quite possibly still does) is as plain as day. All you need to do is look at him.
    "My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."

  • << <i>

    << <i>Bonds is innocent until proven guilty. Canseco's book isn't "proof", and neither is his weight gain. >>

    I have an idea. Join a gym and start a heavy lifting regimen, every other day, for the next 3 years. You can load up on protein all you want, but no performance enhancing steroids or HGH. Then report back to us on how much muscle you were able to pack on naturally during that time. My point is, the human body is only capable of so much on its own. If you look at bodybuilders from say the 50's or 60's, you'll see what I mean. The evidence that Bonds juiced, and for a long time (and quite possibly still does) is as plain as day. All you need to do is look at him. >>

    I have. I had no trouble going from a chubby 180 freshman year in high school to a lean 135 6 months later. In my early 20's I bulked up from 165 to 225, maintaining a lean bodyfat percentage. I took no suppliments whatsoever. It's genetics. Those with them excel, and those without them cry foul in a pool of jealousy. I don't know whether Bonds used performance enhancing drugs or not--I have seen no evidence. I am not a judge or a jury so even if I did see evidence it is NOT for me to decide. Frivolous accusations RUIN LIVES. Look at the Duke lacrosse players. Look at Genarlow Wilson. Look at the thousands of innocent people falsely accused of crimes, where their trial was held in the media rather than a courtroom. Does their innocence smell so sweet? No. They are tainted forever in the public's mind--a public that claims to be American, a public that allegedly values our justice system of "innocent until PROVEN guilty", not innocent until shagrotn77 on collector's universe discovers that he cannot gain muscle without steroids.
  • shagrotn77shagrotn77 Posts: 5,616 ✭✭✭✭
    Have you forgotten that Barry Bonds already admitted to taking steroids, albeit unknowingly? Which, by the way, yeah right. And I do fine on my own. Thank you very much. Yes, genetics does play into it, sometimes even a big part, but even the person with the world's best genetics can not pack on say 30-40 pounds of lean muscle in a few short months. It's simply not possibly naturally. The other points you make are valid, but they are not pertinent to this discussion. This is about Bonds - a person who already admitted to doing what he is accused of.
    "My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."

  • << <i>so Bonds hates the press and they hate him. MLB turned the other way when they knew all this crap was going on. So, now that the public is screaming for action, they want to do something about it? Too late. And the Bonds haters are leading the charge because you just don't like his personality. It has nothing to do with alleged steroid use. If it did, then you would dislike McGwire and you don't. You probably wouldn't have like Ty Cobb's personality either. Thankfully he didn't play in the modern era where the press finds everything about a player's life interesting and newsworthy.

    MLB players have been taking performance altering substances since the early to mi-30s. Greenies have been used extensively. Maybe they don't have as clear an impact on performance as steroids, but nobody can deny they have some impact. So why don't we just wipe out the HOF from the 30s forward.

    I don't give a crap about whether someone is a nice guy or not or whether the press likes him. It has no bearing on his HOF credentials. If it did, Cobb would have been left out.

    You have to draw the line in the sand but anybody playing the game now, "accused" of taking banned substances in the past, even if it is proven somehow, should be considered HOF worthy. If they implement proper testing and one of these guys is caught going forward, that is a different story. You can't make Bonds the scapegoats or the martyrs for all the past sins of MLB. >>

    Yes you can make Baroid Bondz the scapegoat because he is the only active player smashing the most famous record in sports!!!!

    Nobody cares about Mota on steroids cause he isnt breaking any records....Baroid IS BREAKING RECORDS, that is why he is despised.....didnt you hate the cheater in junior high who gots A's and got away with cheating??? same thing.....

    I predict a Fed intervention before Baroid gets 22.....He will get what he deserves....

    and to the people who say Bonds is innocent until proven guilty...please come out of the closet you've been living in, get your head out of the sand, stop deceiving yourselves, its sad....
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    If McGwire was 22 away, would he be just as "hated?"

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • shagrotn77shagrotn77 Posts: 5,616 ✭✭✭✭
    Absolutely not. Let's not forget, Bonds has always been an arrogant, self-centered jerk, from his days in HS, college, with Pittsburgh, etc. He's been universally disliked by teammates and opponents alike. I'm sure a lot of the SF fans would turn on him if he left for another team too. I mean the guy had, and deservedly so, earned the reputation as the biggest ass in baseball years before he ever juiced. McGwire, on the other hand, has at the very least always been a likeable guy. Not your average egotistical superstar. When he took the last game of his rookie season off to be there for the birth of his first season - needing only 1 HR to become the first rookie ever with 50 HR - that told me all I needed to know about his character. Do I believe he juiced? Absolutely. But unlike Bonds, Palmeiro and Sosa, he never lied about it.
    "My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."

  • << <i>If McGwire was 22 away, would he be just as "hated?" >>

    if your aunt had balls would she be your uncle?

    both hypothetical questions with no answer.....
  • But you're creating a situation where the players cannot win--it's double jeapardy and it's unfair. You say "McGwire took steroids just like Sosa and Bonds" (you've determined them all guilty without a trial) "but at least McGwire didn't lie about it" (that puts them in the position of being liars if they deny they did something it was never proven they did, and guilty by admission if they don't deny it). We have seen some alarming evidence via rumors and heresay that MANY major league players might have taken steroids in the 1990's. But we haven't seen proof. Only what--3 people failed steroid tests last year? And before they tested for roids, nobody failed because nobody was tested--we can't prove any of them used. And we certainly can't base our decisions on Canseco's crybaby books or the biased media's witch hunts. In the 1990's they blamed the rise in home runs on the lowering of the pitching mound. Then it was "players make enough money to stick to strict diet and workout regimins during the off season". Then it was suppliments that McGwire admitted taking. Now it's steroids. Come on--everyone can have an opinion, but imagine if it were you up there. What if you started eating right, lifted weights, and had the genetics to become a hulking monster of your former self. That's what every teenager aspires to! And if your dream came true, and if you did it with hard work, and if you started hitting them out of the park--and now the press and the fans say you're guilty of steroids? Without a trial? Without ever failing a test? How would you feel? We have the innocent until proven guilty in our justice system to prevent just this--yet now some of you treat that as a scapegoat or some cute little legal loophole that buries our heads in the sand. I assure you it isn't--it's a fundamental and very important part of a fair justice system, and I don't have my head in the sand. I see the player's bodies changing--I can see how Sosa, McGwire, Bonds, and others looked in the 80's and how they looked a decade later. I know something happened. It could be diet. It could be exercise. It could be steroids. But steroids are illegal, and that is a very dangerous accusation to make without evidence. Or at least it should be. Today, it's like who cares--let's just hurl the most damming insults at everyone no matter what the consequences are. That's wrong.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Do I believe he (McGwire) juiced? Absolutely. But unlike Bonds, Palmeiro
    and Sosa, he never lied about it.


    He was not exactly "direct" with Congress.

    I think the reason that I am not much down on any of
    these guys is because I look at what the situation would
    be IF it was "ok" for players to artificially enhance their
    performance. If everyone was doing it, because they
    could legally do so, we would not be able to use the
    word "cheating."

    But, that is not the case. And, I am not saying that it
    should be... only that personal choices about self-
    destruction would not be such an issue if legal concepts
    were not a prime consideration.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Without a trial? "


    A trial is not the issue.

    Some in MLB - and the fans - are not saying that Bonds should be
    jailed. Their interest is not criminal in nature; they just think he
    cheated, and the preponderance of the evidence says they are

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • I would think we would be harder on Sosa's corked bat than unproven steroid allegations. We can prove that Sosa used a corked bat at least once--and I think that would have a greater impact on homers than steroids. Steroids don't do anything if the guy taking them isn't hitting the gym hard. Nevertheless, we haven't proven steroid useage.

  • << <i>If McGwire was 22 away, would he be just as "hated?" >>

    A source said a lot of people in this thread are biased media drones, and another source close to that source verified the first source's accusation.

    Pimp On....
    Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,756 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anyone who honestly thinks that Barry "bulked up" because of "genetics" or any other natural method is sorely mistaken. In a just world, Roid Boy Barry will be indicted for perjury and locked up, hopefully right before he taints Aaron's legitimate record, the sooner the better.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 2,759 ✭✭✭

    Now .. now ... grote15
    It makes perfect sense that Barry's melon has ballooned up to double its original size

    simply because he works out really hard in the gym and only takes 'natural' supplements ... image

    I actually hope he breaks Aarons record ...
    just to humiliate Bonds when he realizes that nobody except Giants fans care!

    Then maybe it will finally sink in to that egomaniacal psychopath
    just how much the rest of the nation considers him to be a joke and an embarrassment to athletes who compete without cheating ... image

    Pix of 'My Kids'

    "How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think the "Headliners" got the proportions right.

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