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PSA/DNA question

I have several autographed baseballs that I want to put on Ebay (Mike Schmidt, Eddie Mathews, Brooks Robinson, Hank Aaron, Moose Skowron, Al Kaline, etc), yet I don't want to spend the money to send them to PSA/DNA. I have seen several sellers use the "Quick Opinion" where the seller pays the $7 to have the quick opinion, then add it to the description.

I have some questions. How long does it usually take to get that quick opinion? Also, if I list the auction and schedule the auction to start a few days later, can PSA/DNA see that auction before it starts? If so, will I have to send them a link directly to the auction, or will they be able to see it before it starts by just giving the auction number.

Anybody have any experience with this? Help would be appreciated. Thanks.



  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    (How long does it usually take to get that quick opinion? )

    Usually, less than one business day. Sometimes, longer.

    (Also, if I list the auction and schedule the auction to start a few days later,
    can PSA/DNA see that auction before it starts?)

    No. Just send them a scan.


    If you are SURE the sigs are good - and you have great FB - your money-back
    guarantee of authenticity will often work just as well as Quick Opinion.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I send them a scan, how do they know it's the one that I have for auction. Theoretically, I could send them a scan of an authentic one, then put a scan of a fake on Ebay and give the "Quick Opinion Info". I think they have to see the auction, don't they?


  • earlycalguyearlycalguy Posts: 1,247 ✭✭
    I would wait until the listing is up and then send them psa/dna the auction number. this way they can reference the ebay listing number in their quick opinion. i would just mention in your listing description that you are going to get a psa/dna quick opinion and will post the results of the opinion. on a 7 days listing waiting one or two days to get the opinion posting is not going to hurt the sales price.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "I think they have to see the auction, don't they? "


    For your purposes, that would be best.

    Many sellers list the auction, send page+number to PSA/DNA,
    and then revise the listing with the results. The response from
    PSA/DNA on QOs is usually super-rapid.

    I just did a test on my friend's scheduled listing. It shows up in
    his MyEBAY as scheduled, but it does not display for me when I
    type in the auction number. As far as I can tell, the listing has to
    be active b4 PSA/DNA can see it.

    Remember, PSA/DNA does lots of QOs for non-EBAY listings. The
    switcheroo issue is probably not a major problem in the minds
    of most experienced buyers.

    The QO is ULTRA reliable, but it does not let the seller off the hook
    in terms of the "guarantee" that EBAY's TOS recites.

    These phrases work about as well as QO, in terms of confidence building:

    "All of our AUTOGRAPHS are guaranteed to be genuine."

    "If PSA/DNA determines this AUTOGRAPH to be not genuine within 90-days
    of your purchase, your full purchase price will be refunded."

    (Most sellers do not guarantee the return of the PSA/DNA fees on items
    that are found not genuine; some do.)

    The best way to sell AUTOs is to send them to PSA/DNA before they are
    listed. BUT, as you know, in most/many cases the seller will not recover the
    PSA/DNA fees upon sale.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks. I don't want to send them to PSA/DNA because I will not recover my costs. I have sold non-certified autographs and said that I guaranteed them to be genuine and I did really well. I am thinking, though, that I want to include "PSA/DNA" in my auction title. If I did the quick opinion, I will be able to do that. The question is - will the "Quick Opinion" boost my auction by $7? I think it probably would seeing as many people may search "PSA/DNA" on Ebay. I know I search that quite often.


  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    The question is - will the "Quick Opinion" boost my auction by $7?



    AND, as you noted, the search advantage is worth more than $7.00.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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