Blockbuster video are they for real?

in Sports Talk
My brother is 13...he has an XBox 360 and rents his games from blockbuster at like 6 or 7 a pop. That was ok, but yesterday I see a $100 hit on my account from Blockbuster. I called to ask them what this was about and they said they have begun putting a $50 hold per game on accounts for any XBox 360 game. Now I already have him signed up for Gamefly - but he is using a Blockbuster gift card - is this kind of stuff legal? Blockbuster has been sued numerous times before regarding late fees and charging for full prices -and they lost - will they lose here? What if I only had $97 in my account...I'd have to pay $25 bank fees for the hold of two XBox games?
A few suggestions:
1. Use a credit card not an ATM Card
2. If you can't get a credit card and you have to use your ATM/Debit card make sure you understand how charges are applied. I had issues with the way Hotels put and release credit holds while traveling for business a few years ago
3. Stop blaming your brother we all know it's you who is renting these games or are you saying that your parents don't have a credit card that your underaged, 13 year old brother could use?
As far as putting his account on my father's account - they have another crazy rule there - supposedly when my father died and his credit card expired - they stopped letting my brother use that account...strange huh? Did you just assume my parents wouldn't want him on their account?
Finally - I don't play video games anymore - after the blowouts I suffered with Madden on Playstation 2 - I knew it was time to retire. I leave the video game world knowing I was pretty good at Ms. Pac Man, Cyberball, Blitz, NBA Jam and from way back - Tecmo Bowl and Hardball.
And yes that hotel stuff is crazy too...some hotels charge in excess of 3 times a room night - imagine a $600 hold on a $175 room. It's crazy!