When attempting to cross over from SGC to PSA..

Can anyone explain the reasoning behind completely removing the SGC slab before sending card to PSA? They do allow you to send the card in with the SGC slab....why wouldn't you do that? Seems like your taking a big risk cracking it....what if PSA deems it trimmed or altered? then your out a card you payed good money for and its now unslabbed? If I send in a SGC 88/8 in the holder, I can specify that if PSA doesn't feel the card will be an 8, to just leave it in its current holder. Just curious about this....if someone can enlighten me on this subject, great.
incentive to downgrade cards submitted inside of a
competitor's slab. In theory, it is good for each service
to show its customers that it is the most conservative
grader and that the other guys "over-grade."
Asking for a minimum grade would solve your concerns,
but it would probably also eliminate the chance that your
SGC card might receive a higher grade from PSA.
A good way to avoid the challenge in the future is to only
buy PSA-graded cards. The market, currently, has decided
that is the safest solution.
1. The possibility, no matter how small, that I damage the card while taking it out of the holder. I can't risk that when they are willing to do it for me and take responsibilty for its safety.
2. The possibility that they will grade it much lower than the other company. Apart from Set Registry purposes (which are very important), I would usuallyrather have an SGC 88 than a PSA 7 of the same card. I send the cards in with a "minimum grade" for crossover.
Ultimately, I choose to "trust" the professionalism of the process, and the fact that they will judge the card on its individual merits and not on political motives.
Don't waste your time and fees listing on ebay before getting in touch me by PM or at gregmo32@aol.com !
Don't waste your time and fees listing on ebay before getting in touch me by PM or at gregmo32@aol.com !
Ripken in the Minors * Ripken in the Minors Facebook Page
and the fact that they will judge the card on its individual merits and
not on political motives. "
are in PSA holders. With that being said, I'd like to have some
consistency in all of the cards. "
The eye-appeal of grouped cards is greatly diminished when the
holders are mis-matched.
BUT, a catalog picture may increase the appeal of an individual card.
If you put such a card in a PSA holder, you can still, sort of, validate
that the crossed card is the one in the catalog. (Photograph the
group - pre-cross - with a picture of the catalog page. Photograph the
group - post-cross - with a picture of the catalog page AND a picture
of the PSA submission form.)
The cards look nice enough, but the grades on the current holders
could negatively influence the next neutral grader.
IMO, they might get a 2 out of the holders, and they are less likely
to do so if submitted in the holders.
Tough call.
The ONLY way to know, obviously, is to send them.