Either don't overprice and sell cheap with the hopes of moving bulk or list very high and fish for suckers.....seems to be the biz model most people use.
I do quite well with my ebay store.. I have about 1800 items lsited and sell an average of 8 per day. I price my cards at what i think someone would be willing to pay if they were buying something as a fixed price and only used closed auctions as a guide. Sometimes i am at ebay prices, sometimes i am well above.
www.sportsnutcards.com Specializing in Certified Autograph Cards, Rookies, Rare Inserts and other quality modern cards! Over 8000 Cards in stock now! Come visit our physical store located at 1210 Main St. Belmar ,NJ
Unless you have bulk 1000+ items to list or "quality/high end" stuff...I would stick with auctions. Especially now that xmas is over...I did see a spike in my store from mid November thru the end of December. I generally sell high and fish...my sell thru is less than 10% but I'm doing just fine with my store.
Ebay's "Help" page says that in only some cases do store listings show up in item searches on ebay.com . It seems the only time I see store items when searching is if I search for an item that basically has next to zero regular auction listings. Given that, how in the world do people ever find your stuff in an Ebay store?
Slow sales, light traffic, and EBAY fee-hikes are bound to
run some more stores out of the game. Less competition
could be the result.
The auction "fad" is about over for low-priced stuff, and
stores seem to be where lots of shoppers want to buy.
Your own website is probably a great idea, too.
Specializing in Certified Autograph Cards, Rookies, Rare Inserts and other quality modern cards! Over 8000 Cards in stock now! Come visit our physical store located at 1210 Main St. Belmar ,NJ
Visibility of items was always a concern for me.