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Crazy Day For Me Today.......

Long story made short........2 days ago I got in the mail Michael Tucker's unwashed game worn 2006 Mets alternative pants. The tagging looked a little different then what I have usually seen so I thought that it may have been from the NLCS, as other people were telling me also. After several e-mails to Steiner (where I bought them from), I found out today that they were not from the NLCS, but from August 26,2006. I quickly downloaded the game from MLB.com and watched it for awhile. The pants are unwashed and covered in dirt so I tried looking for Tucker to see if he slid or anything. Then in the 5th inning he did slide at 2nd. They didn't show a shot of him after the slide though so I couldn't get a perfect match for them. I kept watching the video for a little while longer and then all of the sudden they showed a shot of the dugout and sitting in the corner is Tucker and the dirt marks are showing and they match perfectly! I also found another shot of him from behind and I found yet another photomatch. A pretty crazy yet fun day for me.






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