Ebay - Lost Delivery - Feedback

Sooooo I sold some items on the Bay in December. One got lost but I had delivery confirmation and USPO shows it being delivered last week. Luckily the total, including postage, is about $4.00. I am not worried about the money but was disappointed they didn't get to the buyer as this guy collects the particular item (80's Fleer football team stickers) and I wanted my stuff to get into the hands of people who would enjoy it. He has 400+ feedback as do I. This story has a twist... just traded emails with the buyer, I offered a full refund, he declined and he ended with, "Anyway, I suspect that they are lost somewhere. Don't worry about a refund. I'll leave positve fdbk as well. Maybe they'll turn up." I just wanted to leave a good Ebay feedback/lost mail story rather than usual. There are good honest people out there!
I would guess that 99% +/- of EBAYers are as described above.
The problem is that the population of EBAYers is greater than
140,000,000, worldwide. That leaves us with a large number
of potentially dishonest people.
Go Phillies
I kept checking the delivery confirmation, and still it had not been delivered. I gave the buyer a refund,
after two weeks, then would you know it, 20 days later item shows up. The guy lets me know item finally
arrived, and gives me back the refund. I have no idea where it's been for 20 days?
Both previous sellers said the same thing. Luckily it was not an expensive purchase, that is why I didn't purchase insurance, but I still thought the cards were cool and I wanted them.
I don't understand why a seller would want to lose a potential repeat buyer who has over 6,000 feedback with a 100% rating, and who pays fast (using Paypal within 1-24 hours after auction ends unless they don't take Paypal) over a cheap transaction.
I will wait another week or so and hope it arrives.
p.s. seller, of course, also never gave me feedback for my fast payment. Customer service on eBay is definately and unfortunately "hit-and-miss".
insurance, so you lose" response."
Simply file with PayPal and your money will be refunded.
Insurance is for the protection of the seller, not the buyer.
Buyers using PayPal - funded with a credit-card - are
just squandering their money when they pay for insurance.
I have no real problem with sellers trying to con buyers into
paying for insurance, BUT buyers need to understand that the
ONLY insurance they need is PayPal and a Credit Card.
to give him the benefit of the doubt."
More and more I am finding problems with high FB PowerSellers.
When you search goofbay.com or toolhaus for FB reports on these
guys, a whole new picture sometimes springs forth.
Also, it is important to remember that PSers' "qualification-percentages"
are calculated using a totally different formula than the one used for
"ordinary" EBAYers.
Last year, my cutoff was 99.5% when deciding to do business with a
high FB seller. My new number is going to be adjusted up, this year.
NOTE: My FB-criteria comments do not apply to sellers with an average/low
FB total. Small sellers can easily get NEGs that unfairly distort their % #s.
<< <i>I just wanted to leave a good Ebay feedback/lost mail story rather than usual. >>
Good story Larry.
On lost mail...
This happened just yesterday - we do new home marketing - when someone closes on their house, a company makes up a brochure promoting my office and they get it mailed to their house.
For whatever reason some get returned to sender - my return address.
My receptionist picks it up from the stack - it's a triple folded invitation with a sticker - and what pops out from inside the folder sheet?
A Christmas card that's first class!
We left it for the mailman - but you can bet that someone who didn't give a crap might have trashed it.
God knows how much "hidden" mail goes undetected?