Talking out your zza again? You need to read a Beckett baseball catalogue one day!
Here is Becketts description of the 1997 INSERTS known as Press plates:
"Randomly inserted in PACKS at the rate of one in 1,250, this all-aluminum set consists of the Authentic Press Plate that transfers the ink to the cardboard for each individual card back and front. Each Plate displays an authentication seal on the back along with the personal signature of Pinnacle Chairman and CEO Jerry Meyer. Each CARD has eight press plates for each of the four colors used in printing the front and the back. All CARDS from both the regular sets as well as the inserts sets were INSERTED INTO PACKS. A collector who put together any combination of the four press plates from the same card front or back could return the Plates to Pinnacle by August 22, 1997 for a bounty of $35,000. A sliding reward scale was imposed with a $30,000 bounty for plates received by August 29, 1997. $25,000 for those received by September 5, 1997, and $20,000 for those received after September 5, 1997 but before December 31, 1997. Since supply is so limited, only common card pricing is provided, However, please refer to future issues of BBCM (Beckett Baseball Card Monthly) for updates on key CARDS."
Remember PSA grades, for example, the 1996 Leaf Steel cards and 1999 Stadium Club Luminescent Inserts cards which are entirely Plastic!!! Therefore, a CARD is not required to have WOOD products in it to be considered a CARD.
So now you know that the 1997 Pinnacle Press Plates are not generic memorabilia, but were INSERTED into 1997 New Pinnacle Baseball card Packs as High end inserts!
I can't believe you have been bothering me this whole time when you didn't even know what the heck a Press Plate is.
This whole hobby needs to confront the Steroid and 1 of 1 Baseball Card era with more education and less posterity.
If we don't, than guys like RepublicanAzz will keep our hobby stagnant.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with jgarci. There's a huge difference between pack-issued press plates and production items that escaped the factory in a different way. If it's pack-issued, it goes on my checklist, regardless of if it's made of cardboard, plastic, or metal. That said, I have no problem exclusing 1/1's from registry sets, but I will continue to collect them regardless.
<< <i>This whole hobby needs to confront the Steroid and 1 of 1 Baseball Card era with more education and less posterity.
If we don't, than guys like RepublicanAzz will keep our hobby stagnant. >>
what does confront the steroid era with more education and less posterity mean?
i cant wait to read your response coming from the biggest Roid/mcgwire fan..................
the reason i dont collect 2002 and later Pujols cards is because they are a dime a dozen and only increase in numbers exponentially ever year...when the supply keeps increasing tremendously ever year (including bogus 1 of 1 2006 prees plates) then there will always be enough to satisfy demand...BUT they cant make any more Pujols Rookie year cards no matter how hard they try.....this is a fixed number that has decreasing supply ever year and increasing understand the reason i dont collect 2002 and up?
not to mention that the Rookie card, hands down is the most desirable card of any player, not his modern over produced, over serial numbered modern junk!
I just realized arguing with Jgarci is like the special olympics, even though I win, I still feel retarded.
Taken from Jgarci11 set
My Silver sweety from 1997 finally was entered into the registry set! I hope his card rather coin, is testament to my desire to have every Mcgwire ever least up to 1997. I have every card from this reg set. I mean I have ALOT of Mcgwire cards!! I just need to grade them. What happens if I get all of the cards from 1985 to 1997 in the reg set and grade them? What does this mean?? I do not know. I mean after all I have put up pix of the most rarest Mcgwires and no one seems to care. And yet I still bid buy, store, grade and scan. What drives me?? And when I am finished what will be created and demonstrated to the world?
Quit stalking me, loser. You haven't won any argument, yet.
You just said you like Press Plates and think they're cool.
Now, you are trying to mock what I wrote. in my reg set. Why not tell the people also about the 125 scans of my graded and rare cards that are in the same set?
You won't because you are jealous that your PSA 6 loaded set has no scans at all.
You already have overplayed that whole stupid anime website thing that you seemed to have found after typing in "jgarci11" into your search engine.
Look, Jerkoff that's not me! SO STOP STALKING ME, MARIPOSA (butterfly).
You're now even more of a loser for looking for me on the internet!
Do you like me or something? Are my post dropping your ovums for you, finally?
I think you are infatuated with me!
Hey everybody can we agree that looking for a poster's screen name online is kinda wierd?
I'm sure even your little buddy, Sunny, would agree with me.
Dear Yoda, This is Calaban 7. I really believe with all my heart that you are an intelligent person, inspite of the way you present yourself. You could offer a lot to the forum , if you wanted to. Have you ever seen the movie the Princess Bride ? In it there is a sicillian , who gets in numerous spats with others in the movie. He like you only seems capable of spouting only childlike logic , among adults.The ONLY person that the sicillian , like you , makes any type of rational sense to, is himself. I've been reading this forum for quite awhile, and have only just become a contributer in the last month. I feel that instead of making some kind of worthy contribution to what ever thread you like, you tend to shutdown intellectial conversation by the threat of being forced to talk about something they don't want to talk about. I have a couple of sets on the registry. These guys are players that I absolutely loved and followed as a teenager. I always loved the underdogs. Who in their right mind would ever want to make a registry set of Nate Colbert or Randy Jones ? They both had pinpoints of greatness, but not for very long. But I still loved them and followed them . I'm even from Baltimore not the left coast. But I don't brag about how great Nate or Randy ever were. These guys were men , like most of us guys. I know if all of a sudden, I start acting like these guys were great heroes , people wil start to go , coo, coo, coo, coo. Sound familar. I don't need the extra attention. My life has been dominated by pain. I've had cancer 3 times, a devasting beginning , a horrible childhood and teenage full of drugs and pain . I've been married twice, 5 sons(my greatest earthly joy ). I like card and coin collecting because its something simple, that brings me pinpoints of happiness.But If there were a fire in my house , I would grab my wife and boys 1st. All I ever wanted was some days when it didn't rain. So what does this mean to you ? I don't know exactly why you act the way you do, but I have a real good idea. It seems you want people to notice you. What you're showing others right now with your rants and lunacy , I really hope this Isn't what you want people to remember you for . If you simply backed up and changed your perspective a little , people would be glad when you showed up on the scene, instead of thinking the other way. Right now I really don't see many rallying to your support. I really do think you have a possible valuable place here, its surely not where you're at now. If you don't believe me, keep up what your doing. Love me, hate me, THE SLAP FROM A FRIEND IS BETTER THAN THE KISS FROM YOUR ENEMY, Sonny
" In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
Heck, I've had so many ebay screen names, I probably ran through one with a jgarci11 email address a while ago! Thanks for trying to violate my privacy, RepublicanAss I am sure everyone here appreciates your obsession to find me on the internet. Does it feel good knowing you just commited a felony and that I will be pressing charges accordingly?
If it has a dinged corner, is it really any less valuable? Are you going to hold out for a better copy?
If I were making the decisions, I'd include them in the Set Registry, but that PSA has chosen not to include them isn't something I have a problem with.
BTW, is it true that there wree 88 different 1/1 cards of Mike Mussina in 2005 Donruss Diamond Kings? I remember reading that in some Beckett article, but never saw confirmation.
Hey racist punk, before you accuse someone of committing a felony, learn what a felony is (besides a badge of honor to your hoodrats).
BTW, I'm sure everyone in the L.A. area who views this board wants to know what school you teach at, so they cn ensure their kids don't go there. You're living proof of what's wrong with affirmative action.
<< <i>Plasticman noted, " I like a level and competitive playing field."
That seems to be the majority opinion on those that think they should not be included. However, since when has collecting cards, especially PSA graded cards, ever been a level playing field?
Mark >>
Everyone always has a choice of what to collect. Level meaning, everyone has a shot to get to 100%. That doesnt mean they will if they arent dedicated and so on.
<< <i>Plasticman noted, " I like a level and competitive playing field."
That seems to be the majority opinion on those that think they should not be included. However, since when has collecting cards, especially PSA graded cards, ever been a level playing field?
Mark >>
Everyone always has a choice of what to collect. Level meaning, everyone has a shot to get to 100%. That doesnt mean they will if they arent dedicated and so on. >>
And I think the registry should reflect the goals of the collecters. Not too many collects try to collect every single 1/1 of a player. I think most collectors just want to have a few representive 1/1 in their collection or ignore 1/1s completly. Listing 1/1 as optional would reflect the goals of most collecters perfectly.
I will be pressing charges accordingly Then you can have all my worthless PSA 6's right?
How about the last page when you said the animae email "isn't me", and now you are saying that it is yours? I already have a call nto your friend "zeikrage" or whatever his name is. Stick to your 2pac forums where you can belittle people dumber than us.
Yeah people use me as an example of affirmative action because I have crazy ideas about baseball cards.
Actually is is because you are a black latino mix
Christ I wish this thread would die, but I keep pushin it up!
Once again you are showing your racism by that last comment. Am I right on this guys?
The anime email thing you are trying to push as funny is not funny at all. Get it into your retarded uneducated brain that that email account is not mine. I said that already, yet the ebay account you stalked probably was mine. Understand that you retard. Learn how to read.
Learn how to type and use the edit buttun so you don't leave your typos with their azz to the wind.
you once had some semblance of clout, but you're now making yourself look stupid for pursuing me. Is your reputation worth it?
All you are doing is ramping me up which only can cause more stress on this board.
Jgarci, you have late Wednesday's out in California...2:40 in the morning wow! dont you have to get up early for school on thursday?
ps..that scan of the 2001 Chrome Retrofractor does NOT do that card justice even a bit! it looks flat gold, but it really has a refractor/mirror like image that is nutty!
Here is Becketts description of the 1997 INSERTS known as Press plates:
"Randomly inserted in PACKS at the rate of one in 1,250, this all-aluminum set consists of the Authentic Press Plate that transfers the ink to the cardboard for each individual card back and front. Each Plate displays an authentication seal on the back along with the personal signature of Pinnacle Chairman and CEO Jerry Meyer. Each CARD has eight press plates for each of the four colors used in printing the front and the back. All CARDS from both the regular sets as well as the inserts sets were INSERTED INTO PACKS. A collector who put together any combination of the four press plates from the same card front or back could return the Plates to Pinnacle by August 22, 1997 for a bounty of $35,000. A sliding reward scale was imposed with a $30,000 bounty for plates received by August 29, 1997. $25,000 for those received by September 5, 1997, and $20,000 for those received after September 5, 1997 but before December 31, 1997. Since supply is so limited, only common card pricing is provided, However, please refer to future issues of BBCM (Beckett Baseball Card Monthly) for updates on key CARDS."
Remember PSA grades, for example, the 1996 Leaf Steel cards and 1999 Stadium Club Luminescent Inserts cards which are entirely Plastic!!! Therefore, a CARD is not required to have WOOD products in it to be considered a CARD.
So now you know that the 1997 Pinnacle Press Plates are not generic memorabilia, but were INSERTED into 1997 New Pinnacle Baseball card Packs as High end inserts!
I can't believe you have been bothering me this whole time when you didn't even know what the heck a Press Plate is.
This whole hobby needs to confront the Steroid and 1 of 1 Baseball Card era with more education and less posterity.
If we don't, than guys like RepublicanAzz will keep our hobby stagnant.
<< <i>This whole hobby needs to confront the Steroid and 1 of 1 Baseball Card era with more education and less posterity.
If we don't, than guys like RepublicanAzz will keep our hobby stagnant. >>
what does confront the steroid era with more education and less posterity mean?
i cant wait to read your response coming from the biggest Roid/mcgwire fan..................
the reason i dont collect 2002 and later Pujols cards is because they are a dime a dozen and only increase in numbers exponentially ever year...when the supply keeps increasing tremendously ever year (including bogus 1 of 1 2006 prees plates) then there will always be enough to satisfy demand...BUT they cant make any more Pujols Rookie year cards no matter how hard they try.....this is a fixed number that has decreasing supply ever year and increasing understand the reason i dont collect 2002 and up?
not to mention that the Rookie card, hands down is the most desirable card of any player, not his modern over produced, over serial numbered modern junk!
cards=cards PSA grades CARDS 1996 Leaf Steel "cards" and 1999 Stadium Club Luminescent Inserts "cards"
I think the press plates are cool, but I would rather have a CARD with all the "Purty colors" from the press plates.
You crack me up
Now YOU have ruined this great post brought to us by Funny Fandango. Thanks alot.
oh oh oh my god..plate in head...too funny. otflol
It's so good to see you act cheeky, when you just got hosed.
My legions of agreers continues to grow, grow big like the mighty Buffalo.
The longer Mcgwire is excluded from the Hall, the more valuable my cards become.
The media hype is Awesome and will reach a crescendo when Bonds has to face the music soon!!
People love Martyrs and vindication, just like with Mandela and the Shawshank Redemption.
Come on, you know you loves you some Morgan Freeman!
<< <i>My legions of agreers continues to grow, grow big like the mighty Buffalo.
The longer Mcgwire is excluded from the Hall, the more valuable my cards become.
Taken from Jgarci11 set
My Silver sweety from 1997 finally was entered into the registry set! I hope his card rather coin, is testament to my desire to have every Mcgwire ever least up to 1997. I have every card from this reg set. I mean I have ALOT of Mcgwire cards!! I just need to grade them. What happens if I get all of the cards from 1985 to 1997 in the reg set and grade them? What does this mean?? I do not know. I mean after all I have put up pix of the most rarest Mcgwires and no one seems to care. And yet I still bid buy, store, grade and scan. What drives me?? And when I am finished what will be created and demonstrated to the world?
You just said you like Press Plates and think they're cool.
Now, you are trying to mock what I wrote. in my reg set. Why not tell the people also about the 125 scans of my graded and rare cards that are in the same set?
You won't because you are jealous that your PSA 6 loaded set has no scans at all.
You already have overplayed that whole stupid anime website thing that you seemed to have found after typing in "jgarci11" into your search engine.
Look, Jerkoff that's not me! SO STOP STALKING ME, MARIPOSA (butterfly).
You're now even more of a loser for looking for me on the internet!
Do you like me or something? Are my post dropping your ovums for you, finally?
I think you are infatuated with me!
Hey everybody can we agree that looking for a poster's screen name online is kinda wierd?
I'm sure even your little buddy, Sunny, would agree with me.
The email address is used by a valid eBay member with a feedback of (66.7% positive).
lemme guess that's not you either. Guys like you crack me up
I have a couple of sets on the registry. These guys are players that I absolutely loved and followed as a teenager. I always loved the underdogs. Who in their right mind would ever want to make a registry set of Nate Colbert or Randy Jones ? They both had pinpoints of greatness, but not for very long. But I still loved them and followed them . I'm even from Baltimore not the left coast. But I don't brag about how great Nate or Randy ever were. These guys were men , like most of us guys. I know if all of a sudden, I start acting like these guys were great heroes , people wil start to go , coo, coo, coo, coo. Sound familar. I don't need the extra attention. My life has been dominated by pain. I've had cancer 3 times, a devasting beginning , a horrible childhood and teenage full of drugs and pain . I've been married twice, 5 sons(my greatest earthly joy ). I like card and coin collecting because its something simple, that brings me pinpoints of happiness.But If there were a fire in my house , I would grab my wife and boys 1st. All I ever wanted was some days when it didn't rain.
So what does this mean to you ? I don't know exactly why you act the way you do, but I have a real good idea. It seems you want people to notice you. What you're showing others right now with your rants and lunacy , I really hope this Isn't what you want people to remember you for . If you simply backed up and changed your perspective a little , people would be glad when you showed up on the scene, instead of thinking the other way. Right now I really don't see many rallying to your support. I really do think you have a possible valuable place here, its surely not where you're at now. If you don't believe me, keep up what your doing. Love me, hate me, THE SLAP FROM A FRIEND IS BETTER THAN THE KISS FROM YOUR ENEMY, Sonny
Maybe we can all grow from this......
ps...laughed so hard reading this thread my wife had to come in and see what so funny!
pss.....looking at this card can calm you down, the shimmering gold is awe inspiring....
P.S. Did you send it in for grading yourself?? TIGHT!!!!
If it has a dinged corner, is it really any less valuable? Are you going to hold out for a better copy?
If I were making the decisions, I'd include them in the Set Registry, but that PSA has chosen not to include them isn't something I have a problem with.
BTW, is it true that there wree 88 different 1/1 cards of Mike Mussina in 2005 Donruss Diamond Kings? I remember reading that in some Beckett article, but never saw confirmation.
Reap the whirlwind.
Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
BTW, I'm sure everyone in the L.A. area who views this board wants to know what school you teach at, so they cn ensure their kids don't go there. You're living proof of what's wrong with affirmative action.
Reap the whirlwind.
Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
Yeah, people don't let me teach kids because I have crazy ideas about Baseball cards.
Yeah people use me as an example of affirmative action because I have crazy ideas about baseball cards.
Yeah people stalk me on the internet and force me to complain to Collectors Universe because I have crazy ideas about baseball cards.
<< <i>Plasticman noted, " I like a level and competitive playing field."
That seems to be the majority opinion on those that think they should not be included. However, since when has collecting cards, especially PSA graded cards, ever been a level playing field?
Mark >>
Everyone always has a choice of what to collect. Level meaning, everyone has a shot to get to 100%. That doesnt mean they will if they arent dedicated and so on.
<< <i>
<< <i>Plasticman noted, " I like a level and competitive playing field."
That seems to be the majority opinion on those that think they should not be included. However, since when has collecting cards, especially PSA graded cards, ever been a level playing field?
Mark >>
Everyone always has a choice of what to collect. Level meaning, everyone has a shot to get to 100%. That doesnt mean they will if they arent dedicated and so on. >>
And I think the registry should reflect the goals of the collecters. Not too many collects try to collect every single 1/1 of a player. I think most collectors just want to have a few representive 1/1 in their collection or ignore 1/1s completly. Listing 1/1 as optional would reflect the goals of most collecters perfectly.
How about the last page when you said the animae email "isn't me", and now you are saying that it is yours? I already have a call nto your friend "zeikrage" or whatever his name is. Stick to your 2pac forums where you can belittle people dumber than us.
Yeah people use me as an example of affirmative action because I have crazy ideas about baseball cards.
Actually is is because you are a black latino mix
Christ I wish this thread would die, but I keep pushin it up!
Would it Kill you garci to NOT edit a post?
The anime email thing you are trying to push as funny is not funny at all. Get it into your retarded uneducated brain that that email account is not mine. I said that already, yet the ebay account you stalked probably was mine. Understand that you retard. Learn how to read.
Learn how to type and use the edit buttun so you don't leave your typos with their azz to the wind.
you once had some semblance of clout, but you're now making yourself look stupid for pursuing me. Is your reputation worth it?
All you are doing is ramping me up which only can cause more stress on this board.
Don't belive me, Right click on the pic for url
ps..that scan of the 2001 Chrome Retrofractor does NOT do that card justice even a bit! it looks flat gold, but it really has a refractor/mirror like image that is nutty!
I mean..Banduhdid.
Why else would RIA be MIA?