If you're browsing auctions ending w/in 24 hours....

...as I always do, you're probably just now encountering all the fixed priced listings from ebay's .15 listing day.
However, if you want to take that stuff out, just search for items with one or more bids. You'll probably have to change the customizations for your search options if you haven't done this before. All the fixed price listings should go away after you do this.
However, if you want to take that stuff out, just search for items with one or more bids. You'll probably have to change the customizations for your search options if you haven't done this before. All the fixed price listings should go away after you do this.
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
JDRF Donation