Good question - it's for a school incentive program - so I'd be looking at no more than 1000 from each set - I have a bunch right now - but it would be nice to find someone that can let them go for a good price. I've had decent success on e-bay but it's hit and miss. Now people keep talking about writing off card donations - how is this done - and how much can you write cards off for? Thanks everyone!
<< <i>Good question - it's for a school incentive program - so I'd be looking at no more than 1000 from each set - I have a bunch right now - but it would be nice to find someone that can let them go for a good price. I've had decent success on e-bay but it's hit and miss. Now people keep talking about writing off card donations - how is this done - and how much can you write cards off for? Thanks everyone! >>
Well a ton is 2000 - I have 14000 right now in the school. I recently bought off E-bay 20 sets of Topps chrome 2006 - the problem is we have a group of students running circles around other students and they are receiving doubles, triples, quadruples on and on...and our trading events are not for another few months - by keeping the duplicates to a minimum it will keep those kids hungry. Now of course if I were handing out rookies then multiples would be great - and doubles and triples are welcome because I tell them if they complain who they get, they get nothing - and if they don't like who they receive - then it's perfect to trade on trading day. So I'd be looking for a ton - but no more than 1000 from individual sets - see what I mean? Thanks!
Thanks those are great tips...I do get discounts from one card shop - but card shops having to stay in business usually have high markups around Vegas anyway - so the discount brings me back to normal pricing. And yes, I always have an eye on e-bay - it's just when you see people with 8 Lebron James Ovation and can't sell it for $2.00 - you know that they probably have over 1000 other Ovation to get 8 Lebrons - so it's that bulk is what I'm after - do you know anyone that knows about write offs on here? Thanks!
#LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
<< <i>No, never heard of want it now - how does it work? Thanks! >>
From EBay:
Want It Now lets buyers post requests for hard-to-find items and allows sellers to respond to those requests with eBay listings.
But I also see people post requests for low price items. Not sure if it costs anything, I just read through some of the requests the other day. I think if someone answers your request, they respond to you and then they post what you want on Ebay as a BIN.
Edit: But i think the problem is that most people do not even know that "Want it now" exists or reads the requests. I check to see if I have anything that matches because it will save listing fees on something that may not sell.
Best of luck.
#LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
I think what you're doing is really fantastic .... increasing the interest of the card collecting hobby in today's kids AND promoting education at the same time --- I don't know about everyone else, but you've got huge kudos from me!!!
You'll probably want to talk with your CPA about the actual write-offs. I imagine the write-offs should be kept to the approximate cost value (i.e. you spend $50 on ebay for a bulk lot, you write off $50 in donation).
My advice in acquiring cards is to promote your purpose on boards like these. The Beckett board would be another good place b/c it has a ton more modern collectors. You could also put an ad in magazines and leave fliers with the local shops. If it was me, I'd throw together a quick webpage that outlines your program (use if its available). Put it in your Sig line on the boards. As your website gets passed around from these boards, dealers, etc, people's philanthropic side will likely come out and you'll have more cards than you know what to do with.
A simple website is really key, though, in my opinion. It's what does the talking for you. The best part: as your idea gets buzz, the idea gets passed on to others around the country who begin implementing similar programs. Your affect on the hobby and education for our kids then gets doubled, tripled, 10x, 20x etc. You make real impact. It's all very exciting!
Good luck!
- Building these sets: ------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+ ------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
That sounds like an awesome program! I agree kudos to you!
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
Thanks guys...I have received a $500 grant as's been very cool. I gave out 5 page math packets into the Winter break and if the students completed the packet over the break they'd receive a pack of 10 cards - the packs right now have 2 Topps Chrome football on top with 8 other cards - (a couple ovation baseball, a couple of the newer football and basketball) and one in every 15 packs or so get a jersey or bat card. It's been incredible - I'm just making sure to work out the kinks so next year I can apply for one of the $3000 grants. What's more amazing is that it's not gender specific - from one class today - 3 girls turned in their packets and one of the girls checked out an A-Rod book because she got an A-Rod in the pack. There are so many cool success stories already with this program - the big pain is checking all those math sheets to eventually do lessons in the mornings before school so the students learn the stuff they don't already know. As an elementary librarian I also have a reading program I am running and that ties in with receiving cards too - needless to say my math background and reading endorsements weren't preparing me for the love of cards these kids are showing. Today 'the math machine' as I call him turned in his 30th math sheet since early October - he received a pack with a Lew Ford bat and jersey - of course he was thrilled - and it gives him major ammunition for the card trading day we have coming up in late January or early February. Talk to you all tomorrow - thanks for the kind words!
<< <i>to acquire bulk amounts of 2006, 2005 and 2004 base cards for extremely good prices? Thanks! >>
Just curious - what amount are you considering?
Back in the early 90s, Bruce Harris was a big seller of bulk star cards - I would bet he would be able to point you in the right direction?
Just an idea.
<< <i>Good question - it's for a school incentive program - so I'd be looking at no more than 1000 from each set - I have a bunch right now - but it would be nice to find someone that can let them go for a good price. I've had decent success on e-bay but it's hit and miss. Now people keep talking about writing off card donations - how is this done - and how much can you write cards off for? Thanks everyone! >>
That's really not a ton of cards.
Which sport? I assume you mean Topps?
There's a few guys here into large purchases of new stuff.
I don't have anything to do with stuff from the 2000s anymore except for one set.
I think ebay is the way to go.
Now, another possibility?
Hit a few local card shops - let them know what you're doing and see what they can do.
Present it in the form of "good will" and a form of PR for the store type thing.
They may know some people loaded with stuff that they may be willing to donate - that would eliminate shipping and all that hassle also.
<< <i>No, never heard of want it now - how does it work? Thanks! >>
From EBay:
Want It Now lets buyers post requests for hard-to-find items and allows sellers to respond to those requests with eBay listings.
But I also see people post requests for low price items. Not sure if it costs anything, I just read through some of the requests the other day. I think if someone answers your request, they respond to you and then they post what you want on Ebay as a BIN.
Edit: But i think the problem is that most people do not even know that "Want it now" exists or reads the requests. I check to see if I have anything that matches because it will save listing fees on something that may not sell.
Best of luck.
You'll probably want to talk with your CPA about the actual write-offs. I imagine the write-offs should be kept to the approximate cost value (i.e. you spend $50 on ebay for a bulk lot, you write off $50 in donation).
My advice in acquiring cards is to promote your purpose on boards like these. The Beckett board would be another good place b/c it has a ton more modern collectors. You could also put an ad in magazines and leave fliers with the local shops. If it was me, I'd throw together a quick webpage that outlines your program (use if its available). Put it in your Sig line on the boards. As your website gets passed around from these boards, dealers, etc, people's philanthropic side will likely come out and you'll have more cards than you know what to do with.
A simple website is really key, though, in my opinion. It's what does the talking for you. The best part: as your idea gets buzz, the idea gets passed on to others around the country who begin implementing similar programs. Your affect on the hobby and education for our kids then gets doubled, tripled, 10x, 20x etc. You make real impact. It's all very exciting!
Good luck!
------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
JDRF Donation
There are so many cool success stories already with this program - the big pain is checking all those math sheets to eventually do lessons in the mornings before school so the students learn the stuff they don't already know.
As an elementary librarian I also have a reading program I am running and that ties in with receiving cards too - needless to say my math background and reading endorsements weren't preparing me for the love of cards these kids are showing. Today 'the math machine' as I call him turned in his 30th math sheet since early October - he received a pack with a Lew Ford bat and jersey - of course he was thrilled - and it gives him major ammunition for the card trading day we have coming up in late January or early February. Talk to you all tomorrow - thanks for the kind words!