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Are prices going up?

Just saw this. I'm a little slow on the uptake so my apologies if this has already been discussed. REALLY happy to hear they finally going to have better holders for some of the pre-war stuff. Anyone know if they've got a list of what sets will be receiving holders or just the dimensions for the new holder?


2007 PSA Service Fee and Submission Update

- December 14, 2006
Dear PSA customer,

As a valued PSA customer, we would like to thank you for your continued support. PSA continues to thrive as a direct result of your contribution. We are looking forward to further expanding our services and the market in 2007 by bringing peace of mind to more and more collectors throughout the hobby.

Starting January 15, 2007, new pricing for PSA and PSA/DNA submissions will go into effect. While some of the services/fees have changed, the vast majority have remained the same. Please remember the service fees are based upon the declared values of the cards.

In addition, we have added a few new services to our ever-expanding list.

On our card submission form, please note that PSA is now capable of grading most modern patch cards, which are substantially thicker than normal card issues. With the creation of our unopened pack holder, these premium cards can now be encapsulated in, arguably, our finest holder to date after making some custom modifications to the mold.

Speaking of unopened packs, we have now added a third service level for all Topps regular issue packs between 1952 and 1956 with the addition of our latest customized holder. Please check our website for additional updates to the available pack holder sizes. We hope to expand this list throughout 2007.

Furthermore, PSA is currently working on enhancements to holders currently utilized by PSA, namely pre-war material. Cards that were once encased using a Mylar sleeve will soon be housed in a holder offering a tighter, custom fit. This should provide a much better frame for these prized cards, adding to the presentation value.

If you should have any questions about the new submission pricing and/or rules, please contact customer service toll-free at (800) 325-1121.


Joe Orlando, President

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