I bet this hasn't been asked! - What's the best type of metal detector for the money?

I've always been interested in detecting, I don't know why I've never pursued it further than buying my 6yr old son a very cheap detector, (we actually found some old bottle caps). I would like to know the expert's opinions... and figure you're going to ask me all kinds of questions about how I'm going to use it. Let's just say I don't need the best of the best and I've already had the bottom, so something mid range.
Any help would be great! Thanks!
Any help would be great! Thanks!
I went to the local White's dealer, looked at what I could get. I looked at Tosoro's: http://www.tesoro.com/
I wanted some kind of target ID. White's has it starting with the Prizm 2. $200.00 http://www.whiteselectronics.com/prizm2w.php
I am impressed with the Prizm 2! ! ! It is a turn on and go type of unit. Just turn on lower the coil to the soil and swing. Hear a beep..look at the display, make a few passes over target and watch the display. It will indiacate what is in the ground.
I took the Prizm to the beach to test it (easy digging ;-). At the beach I dig just about all targets. When the Prizm locked on the display, it was right on most of the time :-)
Just take a look at a White's before you bye an Ace or other type unit.
Good Luck
My White's DFX ($1,200) would probably be considered a top-of-the-line detector, but my experience level in detecting is not even close to matching the capabilities of the machine. I could have done with a less expensive model just fine and in fact, folks here with far less expensive detectors find far more treasures than I do on a regular basis so it all becomes relative.
When I bought my detector I wasn't concerned about the cost, I just always like to have the best I can for whatever money I'm willing to spend.
I'll let you all know how I do!
<< <i>What's the best type of metal detector for the money? >>
The one that works best for you.