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A little help from the board members

Can somebody provide me with the most recent sales prices on a 1933 #92 Lou Gehrig PSA 4? Your help would be greatly appreciated.


  • A PSA 5 is selling for 1920 dollars right now with 4 hours left on the bay. I would imagine a few hundred lower........but thats a guess........
    "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
    (If you want peace, prepare for War).........Semper Fi
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    this one sold recently for 1451.00
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926
    Ebay completed auctions show:

    PSA 6 Did not sell for $2,400 on 12-21-06

    PSA 5 Sold for $2,000 on 12-18-06

    PSA 4 Sold for $1,451.00 on 12-10-06

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