Not me Gents...I have a nice odd work schedule and I am off since Thursday for the next 2 weeks....yee haw...
No 9-5 slavery for this Cowboy...By education I am an accountant but I havn't been a slave in a cubicle for a few years a far better job and I only work a couple days a week and am on call the other time...
Yaawwwnnnnnnnnn.....I think I'll hit the ole couch....time for my third nap o the day...
I didn't work today but am doing housework with my wife and put in a dimmer switch for her tree.
So, maybe you're better off!
Merry Christmas
Collecting all Yankees especially:
Thurman Munson, Yogi Berra, Melky Cabrera!
For my son:
Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada
MY Baseball Card Page
My Player Collection Needs
No 9-5 slavery for this Cowboy...By education I am an accountant but I havn't been a slave in a cubicle for a few
years a far better job and I only work a couple days a week and am on call the other time...
Yaawwwnnnnnnnnn.....I think I'll hit the ole couch....time for my third nap o the day...