eBay Starting Price . . .

anybody just started all auctions at $.99 - regardless of card/grade - just to move 'em?
I am currently doing this on about 120 cards . . . should be interesting.
I imagine you'd have a few surprises and a few disappointments.
I am currently doing this on about 120 cards . . . should be interesting.
I imagine you'd have a few surprises and a few disappointments.
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JDRF Donation
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Is this SPAM!?
Probably be re-listing those next week for a penny!
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Not really worth the trouble anymore.
Sad state of affairs for the PSA submitter.
I have these cute little brown boxes all over my family room!
For modern, I try and start at a price I think the card will sell at. For example, if I think I can get a modern PSA 10 to sell at $19.99, I start somewhere around there, otherwise, I might start at $0.99 and end up selling it for only $5. My starting price depends on my view of the strength of the demand-side of the market.
<< <i>For vintage high-grade, I have no problem starting at $0.99.
For modern, I try and start at a price I think the card will sell at. For example, if I think I can get a modern PSA 10 to sell at $19.99, I start somewhere around there, otherwise, I might start at $0.99 and end up selling it for only $5. My starting price depends on my view of the strength of the demand-side of the market. >>
This is exactly how I do it too (at least most of the time). I'm frequently selling something that I think maybe only one or two people will be interested in, which means that if one of those people are out of town, or otherwise not active on ebay that week, a card that could have sold for $30 will sell for $3.
Re: NJM's lot of .99 cent beauties--- I did something similar to this about 5 months ago, and the results were disappointing. Unless the extra $60 or so you'll net in shipping fees is important to you I'd just group them by year and sell them off as lots. MUCH less labor intensive, and you still acheive your goal, which (I assume) is to clear a bunch of worthless crap out of your study.
I am keeping an eye on that '84 Fernando Valenzuela! Sweet!
Good luck!
I agree - if it sells for $1.00, then it was a $1.00 card.
<< <i>For vintage high-grade, I have no problem starting at $0.99.
My only issue is when low pop PSA 8's of a certain player constatntly sell around $1400, then when I put one up it ends at $200. Is that why people cosign to MAJOR ebayers? My feedback is
Members who left a positive: 380
Members who left a negative: 1
All positive feedback received: 709
One neg was retaliation. I HAVE to think there is some funny business going on with the top of the food chain. How can 4 people be bidding crazy hundreds of dollars one night and the very next night none even are watching your auction at 99 cents?
<< <i>I agree - if it sells for $1.00, then it was a $1.00 card. >>
Which is why sometimes the auction format isn't the best. I've had a number of cards sell for between $10-$20 on Ebay that I am reasonably sure would have sold for under $2 if I had started it at $2. But I started the opening bid higher, and the people I expected to bid did. If you know your intended customer -- sometimes the difference in what you make can be significant.
Just because you may only have one or two bids -- doesn't mean you should have those bids at $0.99
Shoot, do you want me to end the auction RIGHT NOW?
I had an '84 DeCinces PSA 3! I think I have a decent eye, but to this day I have know idea why it was awarded such a lofty grade.
Perhaps the grader's mindset is, "you've done alright so far, sucka, I'm gonna f*** ya on a couple!"
Without a doubt! I have received a few fives over the years which are because of a surface wrinkle but not a 4. Crazy!
<< <i>I was think of picking up a few for my kids. >>
Has anyone else noticed that whenever you hear these words in reference to one of your auctions you can be pretty damn confident that the hammer price won't let you retire early?