Collector's Sportslook Magazine with BIG scans

This magazine was brought up by Tedw9 in the Beckett sucks er, uh the Is it just me, or is Beckett Baseball Card Monthly not nearly as good as it was ten years ago? discussion and since I didn't want to intrude on that thread thought I'd start this one.
I only have two issues of what I think was a really great magazine. High gloss cover and all pages in full color with some really good articles ranging from downright silly to dead on serious. I have no idea as to how many issues were made but wish I had bought more than the two I have as to this day they are fun to read.
Here are some scans of the covers and one of the silly but fun articles. Hope everyone enjoys reading this as much as I do.

I only have two issues of what I think was a really great magazine. High gloss cover and all pages in full color with some really good articles ranging from downright silly to dead on serious. I have no idea as to how many issues were made but wish I had bought more than the two I have as to this day they are fun to read.
Here are some scans of the covers and one of the silly but fun articles. Hope everyone enjoys reading this as much as I do.

Miscut Museum
My Mess