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Binders: Upright or on their side?

This question came up again last night when I was talking to my buddy who also collects. He takes his binders and lays them on their side, stacked on top of each other. On my bookshelf, I've been placing my binders upright, but neatly squeezed together to prevent the "page falling" thing that supposedly can occur. My fear about stacking the binders on top of each other is that the cards on the bottom are going to have an incredible amount of weight on them. If doing the "upright" method, can the "falling pages" worry be removed as long as the binders are close together?

Another great question: Does anyone put their cards in penny sleeves before the put them in 9-pocket pages? I like to have that little extra added protection.


  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    If you're concerned about stacking them (laying them on their side), the mj roop binders come with a nice binder holder that let's them stack perfectly straight without putting any pressure on the cards at all.

  • DeutscherGeistDeutscherGeist Posts: 2,990 ✭✭✭✭
    I do use penny sleeves and then put them in the 9 pocket binder. It is added protection and makes it easier to take out cards from the pocket without harming the card itself. This method is also good because the top of the card is covered more due to the longer penny sleeve. The penny sleeve actually closes on top because of the pressure of the 9 pocket pouch. This will prevent yellowing on top of the card.
    However, some 9 pocket pages are so tight, they can't accomodate penny sleeves. I guess it all depends on the brand.

    I can't fit non-UltraPro penny sleeves in UltraPro 9-pockets. I wonder if the UltraPro penny sleeves fair any better.

    Will the UltraPro Platinum sleeves fit into UltraPro Platinum 9-pocket pages?
    "So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

    BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
  • I never did the penny sleeve thing with plastic sheets, but I did as you said and put the binders on shelves upright and snug to prevent any problems.
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