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Player Master Set Evaluation

I am a player card collector and I enjoy looking through the player registry at the collections others have built around their favorite players. In the spirit of the BCS, I decided to device a ranking system for the sets. I decided to start with the percent acheivement of the maximum set rating that can be achieved and then adding points for the number of cards in the set. So two sets with equal percentage of acheivement but one has 100 cards and the other has 200 cards, the 200 card set would be ranked ahead of that set. Not very scientific but fun for discussion. Here is what I came up with. The score on the far right is what I used to rank these. As you can see the Mattingly set has reached an amazing level of completeness and a 9.4 overall grade. Rose and Schmidt are right on his heels. Nice work by everyone.

Cards in % Set Finest % Score
Player Set Complete Rank Possible Achieved
Mattingly 583 99.49 9.40 9.55 98.4% 104%
Rose 607 99.01 9.18 9.47 96.9% 103%
Schmidt 573 98.95 9.13 9.46 96.5% 102%
Garvey 179 99.44 9.00 9.24 97.4% 99%
Ryan 837 98.33 8.48 9.39 90.3% 99%
Rice 274 98.91 8.94 9.32 95.9% 99%
Perez 225 100.00 8.51 8.93 95.3% 98%
Carew 220 99.55 7.99 8.42 94.9% 97%
Sutter 86 95.35 8.92 9.27 96.2% 97%
Stargell 140 99.29 7.95 8.48 93.8% 95%
Nettles 78 96.15 8.54 9.23 92.5% 93%
Palmer 137 97.08 8.30 9.03 91.9% 93%
Killebrew 131 96.18 8.24 9.03 91.3% 93%

Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA


  • What's the ACHIEVED column?

  • mcholkemcholke Posts: 1,000 ✭✭

    Acheived column is combination of percentage of possible score and additive factor for number of cards in the set. If there are 550 cards in a set you get 5.5 bonus points added to your percentage score.

    Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA

  • Okay, okay, I'm following. image

    What about sets that contain less than 100 cards? Are they penalized?

  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    Nice list, good work image

    The top guy in the Mattingly set has an amazing collection. I have purchased a bunch from him over the past couple of years.

    Whats more though is that there is a guy who isnt registered who has by FAR a larger Mattingly collection. I wont name names on here, but he pays insane prices for the first PSA 10 of anything Mattingly, and has loads of extras too.

    Mattingly in general has an amazing following. I have the 3rd ATF set, and the competition is fierce. For a guy that isnt in the HOF he has more people actively collecting his cards than many who are in the HOF.

    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • mcholkemcholke Posts: 1,000 ✭✭

    << <i>Okay, okay, I'm following. image

    What about sets that contain less than 100 cards? Are they penalized?

    Arthur >>

    Technically yes as the difficulty factor is not has high with a set of 100 or less in theory. Now I know that goes out the window for the older cards due to some scarity but I know there is also scarity in even the newer sets. Really just a staring point to find a way to highlight the good work done. I agree on the Mattingly set, amazing following. I wonder how many cards there are not on the registry.

    Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA

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