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Breaking news: Oakland Raiders

Associated Press (11/29/2006, 8:30 AM PST)

OAKLAND , (CA)--Oakland Raiders football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery
substance on the practice field. Head coach Art Shell immediately suspended practice and called the police and federal investigators. After a complete
analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to Raider players was the GOAL LINE.

Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.


  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,756 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is hilarious!


    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • Not hilarious. Not even close, unless you are the one person on Earth who hasn't seen this before.
  • image

    Second person, right here!

  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,756 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not hilarious. Not even close, unless you are the one person on Earth who hasn't seen this before.

    Wow, you're cool!

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    there you are again bhl, spreading your merry attitude all around. I hope you have a great day
  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,114 ✭✭✭✭✭
    More Breaking News!!!

    Associated Press (11/29/2006, 11:30 AM PST)

    OAKLAND , (CA)--Oakland authorities are looking for the mother of eleven kids who left the kids at the Oakland Coliseum. Raiders owner Al Davis is furious as the eleven kids are beating the Raiders in today's scrimmage.
    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.

  • << <i> Not hilarious. Not even close, unless you are the one person on Earth who hasn't seen this before.

    Wow, you're cool! >>

    Thanks. Since you had never seen this bit of "humor" on the Internet before, I will cut you some slack.

    But you are probably the "cool" one, seeing how you have almost 1300 post in less than 7 months. Well done!

  • << <i>there you are again bhl, spreading your merry attitude all around. I hope you have a great day >>

    Hey Drew, who the f--k is talking to you?
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    wow, sucks to be you. keep that positive attitude up pal, your sure to go places

  • << <i>wow, sucks to be you. keep that positive attitude up pal, your sure to go places >>

    You can probably go places too, as long as good spelling and punctuation aren't a requirement for admission.

    In fact, I'm thinking of a place that you can go right now.
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    punctuation? Is that really all you have left in the tank? Keep trying though, I like that feisty spirit, it must do wonders for anyone within a small radius near you.

  • Go Raiders!
    Running an Ebay store sure takes a lot more time than a person would think!
  • 262Runner262Runner Posts: 606 ✭✭✭
    Hey bhl, MERRY CHRISTMAS !! Enjoy your lump of coal.

    Collecting all cards - Gus Zernial
    Post Cereal both raw and PSA Graded (1961-1963)

  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>wow, sucks to be you. keep that positive attitude up pal, your sure to go places >>

    You can probably go places too, as long as good spelling and punctuation aren't a requirement for admission.

    In fact, I'm thinking of a place that you can go right now. >>

    That's funny. I'm thinking of a place the Gators won't be going.
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>Not hilarious. Not even close, unless you are the one person on Earth who hasn't seen this before. >>

    You can count me in as another one who hadnt seen it yet.

    Thanks for spreading the good cheer as always bhl. image

    Keep up the good work and dont be such a stranger, we all enjoy your efforts and kind words image
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • Bah Freakin' Humbug.

    Four words: Don't Be A Tool.

    Keep that solid Raiders humor a-comin'!

    And, of course, don't fret over tools.

    A Merry and Blessed Christmas to All.
  • IronmanfanIronmanfan Posts: 5,504 ✭✭✭✭
    first time I actually saw this & thought it was funny............image
    Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    Hey bhl2359

    Go play in traffic you miserable louse.

    My Auctions
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    Oh yeah, I hadn't seen it either.


    My Auctions

  • << <i>Oh yeah, I hadn't seen it either.


    Really? I have seen this on every sports-related board I have ever been to, always with different team name.

  • << <i>Hey bhl2359

    Go play in traffic you miserable louse. >>

    Zef: I wasn't talking to you either.
  • It's on . . . like Donkey Kong!

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>wow, sucks to be you. keep that positive attitude up pal, your sure to go places >>

    You can probably go places too, as long as good spelling and punctuation aren't a requirement for admission.

    In fact, I'm thinking of a place that you can go right now. >>

    That's funny. I'm thinking of a place the Gators won't be going. >>

    You were saying?
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>wow, sucks to be you. keep that positive attitude up pal, your sure to go places >>

    You can probably go places too, as long as good spelling and punctuation aren't a requirement for admission.

    In fact, I'm thinking of a place that you can go right now. >>

    That's funny. I'm thinking of a place the Gators won't be going. >>

    You were saying? >>

    Let it rest. And I AM talking to you.

    My Auctions
  • I can't point out the USC fan got a little bit ahead of himself? That's not allowed anymore?
  • How about a Michigan - or a Big Ten - fan?


    If Florida played in the Big Ten, they'd be 6-5 and on their way to the Motor City Bowl, eh?
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    comedy good...

    being too serious bad...

  • A guy walks into a bar with a dachshund under his arm. The dog is wearing a Raiders jersey, helmet and is holding Raiders pom poms.

    The bartender says, "Hey! No pets allowed in here! You'll have to leave!"

    The man begs, "Look I'm desperate. We're both big fans, my TV is broken, and this is the only place we can see the game!"

    After securing a promise that the dog will behave and warning him that if there is any trouble they will be thrown out, the bartender relents and allows them to stay in the bar and watch the game.

    The game begins with the Raiders receiving a kickoff. They march down field stop at the 30, and kick a field goal. With that the dog jumps up on the bar and begins walking up and down the bar giving everyone a high-five.

    The bartender says, "Wow that is the most amazing thing I've ever seen! What does the dog do if they score a touchdown?"

    "I don't know," replies the owner, "I've only had him for four years."

    Looking for:
    Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
    High grade Redskins (pre 1980)
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    hate hate hate

  • I haven't seen either of those and they are both funny. bhl2359 you seem very angry. Life is to short for all that.


    Looking for 81-84 Topps Stickers in PSA 9 or better, 81 Topps Scratch offs, 83 Topps Fold outs in PSA 8 or better, 83 Fleer Stamps and 81/86 Fleer Star Stickers in PSA 9 or better.

  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>wow, sucks to be you. keep that positive attitude up pal, your sure to go places >>

    You can probably go places too, as long as good spelling and punctuation aren't a requirement for admission.

    In fact, I'm thinking of a place that you can go right now. >>

    What do you want to wager he ran his reply through spellcheck first before hitting reply.image

  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    I also had not seen that joke before and didn't catch this thread until today. I almost cut and pasted it into an email to a couple of my Raider buddies. Thanks to bhl I am saved from the utter embarrasement of sending on an internet joke that is common place. I feel like such a fool for not having seen this joke before. Let me go flog myself.

  • If that's what you're into, go for it.
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    You were saying?

    Associated Press (12/4/2006, 8:30 AM Suttthern time)

    Somewhere deep in a swamp, (FL)-- Earlier today University of Florida officials publicly excepted the invitation to the Bowl Championship Series national championship game. An excited coach Urban Meyer said at a press conference, "we owe it all to bhl2359." The coach went on to say, "without his hard work on sports message boards, Dungeon & Dragon boards, Star Wars toys boards and other similar message boards we would not be in the big game." The coach then blurted out, "sure the dude is unemployed, lives in his mom's basement and is basically an a$$hole... but we love him." School officials plans to make bhl an honorary alum as it is reported he would not receive a diploma any other way.

  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    hate hate hate

  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    << <i>You were saying?

    Associated Press (12/4/2006, 8:30 AM Suttthern time)

    Somewhere deep in a swamp, (FL)-- Earlier today University of Florida officials publicly excepted the invitation to the Bowl Championship Series national championship game. An excited coach Urban Meyer said at a press conference, "we owe it all to bhl2359." The coach went on to say, "without his hard work on sports message boards, Dungeon & Dragon boards, Star Wars toys boards and other similar message boards we would not be in the big game." The coach then blurted out, "sure the dude is unemployed, lives in his mom's basement and is basically an a$$hole... but we love him." School officials plans to make bhl an honorary alum as it is reported he would not receive a diploma any other way.

    image >>

    I'm not certain why, but when I saw you use the name BHL...I was thinking Bowel Movement.

  • << <i>You were saying?

    Associated Press (12/4/2006, 8:30 AM Suttthern time)

    Somewhere deep in a swamp, (FL)-- Earlier today University of Florida officials publicly excepted the invitation to the Bowl Championship Series national championship game. An excited coach Urban Meyer said at a press conference, "we owe it all to bhl2359." The coach went on to say, "without his hard work on sports message boards, Dungeon & Dragon boards, Star Wars toys boards and other similar message boards we would not be in the big game." The coach then blurted out, "sure the dude is unemployed, lives in his mom's basement and is basically an a$$hole... but we love him." School officials plans to make bhl an honorary alum as it is reported he would not receive a diploma any other way.

    image >>

    I don't need to be an honoray alum, since I graduated from UF, but thanks.

    Also, the word you were looking for is "accepted", not "excepted." Nice try, though.
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    nice job pointing out others grammatical errors and punctuation as they as so very important on this sports card forum, especially since UF taught you such grace and eloquence.

    << <i>I don't need to be an honoray alum, sincen I graduated from UF, but thanks. >>


  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    Also, the word you were looking for is "accepted", not "excepted." Nice try, though.

    Thanks man. I should really spend more time proofing these posts. I just hired a new assistant but next time I need one I will be sure to ask for your resume. I am sure it's impressive.


  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I don't need to be an honoray alum, sincen I graduated from UF, but thanks.

    Also, the word you were looking for is "accepted", not "excepted." Nice try, though. >>

    Oh the irony...........
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • kcballboykcballboy Posts: 1,405 ✭✭✭
    So young. So angry. So tragic image
  • I don't need to be an honoray alum, sincen I graduated from UF, but thanks

    honoray, onorah!

    I'm a big O.J. Sincen, too!
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I can't point out the USC fan got a little bit ahead of himself? That's not allowed anymore? >>

    Yeah, I did. But you're still an arsehole.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Count me as someone else who hadn't seen it...pretty good.

    Hey, bhl, I think its time for you to retire from here...it's apparent your lack of a sense of humor and arrogance aren't welcome here.

  • << <i>So young. So angry. So tragic image >>

    I'm 41. Not young anymore.

  • << <i>

    << <i>I don't need to be an honorary alum, sincen I graduated from UF, but thanks.

    Also, the word you were looking for is "accepted", not "excepted." Nice try, though. >>

    Oh the irony........... >>

    Even someone of your limited perspicacity must see the difference between mis-typing ("sincen") and using the wrong word ("excepted"), right?

  • << <i>Count me as someone else who hadn't seen it...pretty good.

    Hey, bhl, I think its time for you to retire from here...it's apparent your lack of a sense of humor and arrogance aren't welcome here. >>

    Oh, I have a sense of humor. But some of the people here are a bit thin-skinned.

    As for retiring, f--k you.
  • Sweet Corporals, Batman!

    Nice lingo, Hoss!
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I don't need to be an honorary alum, sincen I graduated from UF, but thanks.

    Also, the word you were looking for is "accepted", not "excepted." Nice try, though. >>

    Oh the irony........... >>

    Even someone of your limited perspicasity must see the difference between mis-typing ("sincen") and using the wrong word ("excepted"), right? >>

    No, it's ironic that you criticize someone's grammar and spell a word wrong.

    PS - Was "perspicasity" [sic] your word for the day? Next time, you should note the spelling of that too image
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • kcballboykcballboy Posts: 1,405 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So young. So angry. So tragic image >>

    I'm 41. Not young anymore. >>

    You're still pretty young to be a bitter old man.
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