This here is a long shot, but...(Chicago)

Hi all,
I usually frequent the sports boards, but I noticed the metal detecting boards and figured I had to try this. My problem: A couple months ago I lost my wedding ring (plain gold men's ring, inscription inside) in the vicinity of Chicago's Grant Park. I'm in big, bad trouble with my wife, and needless to say I'd like it back. Anyhoo, if anyone does happen to run across such an item from that general area, please message me or respond here and we'll talk confirmation/reward.
As I said, I know it's a long shot, but if anybody finds it, it's going to be one of you guys/gals.
Thanks for reading.
I usually frequent the sports boards, but I noticed the metal detecting boards and figured I had to try this. My problem: A couple months ago I lost my wedding ring (plain gold men's ring, inscription inside) in the vicinity of Chicago's Grant Park. I'm in big, bad trouble with my wife, and needless to say I'd like it back. Anyhoo, if anyone does happen to run across such an item from that general area, please message me or respond here and we'll talk confirmation/reward.
As I said, I know it's a long shot, but if anybody finds it, it's going to be one of you guys/gals.
Thanks for reading.
Lafayette Grading Set
So basically I'm in Hail Mary mode here. Does anyone know of a local club I might contact? Maybe that's the way to go.
<< <i>So basically I'm in Hail Mary mode here. >>
Sounds like it.
<< <i>Does anyone know of a local club I might contact? Maybe that's the way to go. >>
'Fraid not, but I agree- that sounds like the way to go. Do some websearching and see if you can contact some locals. Obviously you should offer a reward of some kind.
Lafayette Grading Set
I do know a couple other people in the Chicago area that metal detect, and I'll see if they will go out and search for you.
Not promising anything, but I will try my best to help you out.
P.S. You may have to wait till the snow a month.
<< <i>Grant Park covers a large area, acres...and it is under about 12 inches of snow as of today...that is going to be a tough find unless you can retrace your steps! >>
Oh I agree - I'm not asking for anybody to search for it specifically, though, this is more of an "If something like that turns up, let me know" type of deal.
-- Jon
BTW- My husband's ring is engraved too with "Put it back on!"
Vice President
PCGS Currency
I can't see moving the snow. Might just move the ring.
Vice President
PCGS Currency
<< <i>Oh my, a strange park, a strange city, oh so strange circumstances to lose a wedding ring? My imagination is running wild! I'd be at the Jewelers today for a replacement!! Good LUCK!
bob >>
Ok, I'll explain. I went to Lollapalooza - my ring has (had) always been just a bit loose but for some reason I decided to wear it instead of leaving it in the roomsafe...anyhow, they had these porta-sinks set up outside of the porta-potties, which was a nice touch - with a big BUT. And that BUT is that they ran out of paper towels so it was necessary to vigorously shake one's hands to dry them off a bit. My best guess is that the ring flew off under those circumstances, but I didn't notice it until later - having 4 or 5 beers probably didn't help my alertness too much. Anyhow, visual searches turned up nothing, and nobody turned it in. I would ask or hire someone to go out there if I had an idea of the specific area of the park, and you guys have been great, but honestly I was all over that place and it could be anywhere - so this is truly a, "Hey, if something turns up like that or you hear of it, let me know" type of deal.
Thanks again for reading.
<< <i>If you lost it during a Lollapalooza concert I'm afraid that the odds of ever recovering it are extremely slim. I'd say there is a 99% chance that someone saw it and pocketed the thing.
Well, I lost it after dark in a heavy foot traffic area, so maybe somebody stepped on it and embedded it in the ground - that's what I was hoping, anyway.
<< <i>
<< <i>If you lost it during a Lollapalooza concert I'm afraid that the odds of ever recovering it are extremely slim. I'd say there is a 99% chance that someone saw it and pocketed the thing.
Well, I lost it after dark in a heavy foot traffic area, so maybe somebody stepped on it and embedded it in the ground - that's what I was hoping, anyway. >>
Hm, definitely possible.