Home Metal Detecting


and I find all kinds of cool places to search with the metal detector in the spring. Today I found 3 old cellar holes made of flat stones. Looking around I see the place where the house was, the barn and cattle pens that were made of stone walls. Boy those people had no leisure time at all. I found the old cemetery that all the family members were placed when they died. The oldest legible headstone that I could read was 1796 and the man was 60 years old. So being born in 1736 puts this little community way back in time. Smith was the family name. The largest cellar hole was approximately 18 X 26, quite large for a home back in those days. I could see the foundation for the barn at twice the size of the house. There were center stones in a line used to place log columns to hold the first floor up and huge stones all around the perimeter for the foundation. Somewhere in the soil just has to be some old coins. I found a trade token, I've spoken of it before, dating from 1837 at a house built in 1836. But that place is in a different town. There were 3 mills on a stream that was close by, but I don't know what they did there. Maybe a saw mill a grist mill perhaps? I found an open hand dug well but didn't see any place that may have been where the house was. This time of the year is wonderful for seeing how things used to be with all the leaves gone from the trees. The town itself was Inc. in 1803 so it does go way back. So if I can get my lazy butt in gear one of these days I think I will make a day of it. By the way the deer hunting was good too.
"If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".


  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Nice find Ken. Hope it turns out to be a virgin site for you.
    Let's see, if I leave at 4 AM we could be beeping by 9image
  • It will all be there when it warms up. The ground has begun to freeze though not everywhere. We have hunted together before so maybe this time you could come here and find something spectacular. Though the town was incorporated in 1803 there was still plenty of activity many years previous and the name of the town reflects the prosperity it enjoyed for many more years.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Any idea when the town was settled?
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Put the coil to the soil and keep it beepin'!


    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.

  • << <i>Any idea when the town was settled? >>

    No, but it must have been a thriving place and some type of local government before hand. Let me see what I can find on the net.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • Didn't find much help, it's a small town. Only 720 people live there now.
    Tim keep the first or second saturday or sunday in May open, The snow should be gone and the Black Flies won't have hatched yet.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Cool. I'll be there Ken.
    I couldn't find much info on the area either.
  • The stone walls are amazing, some of them are 5 feet high. I couldn't imagine having to build miles of stone walls like those people did.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sure wish I could be up there in Yankeeland with y'all one good time.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • You are welcome to come along, you have a couple of months to plan it.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • laserartlaserart Posts: 2,255
    Getting closer to time to go here.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Wow Ken, this sounds like an awesome site for you to hunt. I can't wait to see pictures the finds!
    Be Still and Know
  • laserartlaserart Posts: 2,255
    I've thought about it all winter long, can't wait.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • Is this homesite on your land?

    That would be a cool find if it was. Nothing like buying some acreage and discovering an old historical site all yours to explore. image

    Either way, I would love to hunt (detect, not shoot Bambi) up in New England. That is one of my "things to do" in life.
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