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I was looking to buy a rack, cello or wax box of some baseball, 1980's, $100-200 range.... I know everyone gives Baseball Card Exchange good reviews. I notice that they say 'unopened' on their stuff but does this also mean right from a case and 'unsearched'? Are there any reputable people on Ebay to get something like I'm looking for?



  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    IMO there is no one more reputable than Steve at BBCexchange to buy unopened material. You may save a few bucks by going off ebay, but if you get burned once you've lost any savings.

    And welcome to the board!

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • Thanks for the info, I'll check out his site and pick something up. Do board members here think it is a good idea to pick up unopened boxes to open and get cards graded. It just seems that buying raw cards on Ebay is taking a big chance.
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    IMO you pay a premium for unopened material, and if it was to be opened the sum of the parts would be much less. Add in the wax stains, off center cards, etc and its very much a losing proposition.
    If you're building a graded set from the '80's you can often find cards for less than the grading fees. If building a raw set you might be best off buying 8's and cracking them- I suspect there are a lot of cards that were graded and fell short of 9's and 10's and can be had for .99 or less.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unless someone knows something to the contrary - I have always had trust in Mark Murphy the BBCKid.

    I have not bought anything from him in a few years but have purchased stuff since around 1990 - never had a problem.

  • No offense but mark murphy is a dinosaur who is no longer as trust worthy as he use to be. Steve Hart at bbcexchange had taken murphy out as the new authority and biggest vintage unopened dealer. Murphys time was up long ago now he just hangs on by his name. Plus his prices are not even competable anymore. I tried to deal with him over the summer and he has just become rude and bitter. I think he knows he has been dethrowned
    Just look at his website he has hardly any inventory anymore. I think all the big deals find there way to steve hart these days.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>No offense but mark murphy is a dinasaur who is no longeras trust worthy as he use to be. Steve Hart at bbcexchange had taken murphy out as the new authority and biggest vintage unopened dealer. Murphys time was up long ago now he just hangs on by his name.
    Just look at his website he has hardly any inventory anymore. I think all the big deals find there way to steve hart these days. >>

    Mark had a major fire - is my understanding - which wiped him out.

    Having no fantastic inventory is a detractor but that doesn't render him untrustworthy.

    What is the basis for such an accusation?
  • <<What is the basis for such an accusation?
    mike >>

    Yes i know the fire wiped him out. But at the same time his involvment with gai and pack grading was fishy. Theres a thread right now talking about all the gai packs with mislabeled series and stuff. Honestly how can a dealer be part of a grading process and sell the stuff on his own site. to much conflict for me. Thats why steve hart is keeping his hands out of the psa grading only authenticating them . Mark has done to many things it seems for the sake of a sale or to boost profits. It has cuaght up with him in the 90s he was the only place to go now you have choices and people have clearly spoken he is not the chioce. I admit I bought alot from mark in the 90's but wouldn't throw a dime his way these days.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hear ya.

    And I agree - he should stay out of the grading process - since he's a dealer.

    And, he probably, if strapped, will over promote himself and his product.

    But, does anyone think that Mark would do something totally wrong - like, knowingly, buy bad product and distribute it or something like that?

    BTW, I think he's not one of the most fun guys to talk to - very dry IMO - not much on personality?

  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    agreed RE: bbckid, however,

    i bought many 1980 topps wax boxes and 1984 donruss wax boxes from him, pre-fire, and always had good dealings. the 10% off $500 or more is also a truly SWEET incentive...

  • gregmo32gregmo32 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭
    I would have no problem at all with buying anything from Mark Murphy. I would consider him very trustworthy and have dealt with him several times. The fact that his inventory and business is not what it once was does nothing to change his integrity.
    I am buying and trading for RC's of Wilt Chamberlain, George Mikan, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Jerry West, and Bob Cousy!
    Don't waste your time and fees listing on ebay before getting in touch me by PM or at gregmo32@aol.com !
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    Wasn't Murphy the one that was defending the bogus Xmas repack racks?

    80sjunkie seems pretty bang on IMO.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • <<Wasn't Murphy the one that was defending the bogus Xmas repack racks?>>
    Yes and he sold some on ebay not to long ago

    Im not saying his product is junk I'm just saying his integrity is no longer there. He is now living of his name thaat he built either you buy it or you dont is his motto now and he could care less about the collector. He is all business anymore no fun involved and thats where he is going down hill. In the 90's mark loved his buisness now mark loves the money. To me thats why steve hart has taken over he loves the business and the collectors and the product. Again I'm not trying sway anybody just stating the facts. Hell buy from who you want when you want im just giving my opinion and i buy so much product every year i deal with all the major guys and just stating mark is no where in the league he use to be in. All he has left is the reputation he built and i just feel its sliding fast
  • gregmo32gregmo32 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭
    With all that said, if you by an unopened box from Mark Murphy, it will be an unopened, unsearched box. I would sure suggest buying from him over 99.9% of the people out there...
    I am buying and trading for RC's of Wilt Chamberlain, George Mikan, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Jerry West, and Bob Cousy!
    Don't waste your time and fees listing on ebay before getting in touch me by PM or at gregmo32@aol.com !
  • I beg to differ greg if your gonna spend the money go with bbcexchange 99.9 percent of the time. Yes both mark and steve can be trusted for unopened unsearched material. But when I spend my money I want to buy from someone who's working to help the hobby not just profit from it. That is the difference with the mark murphy of today verses the 90's . Then he was in it for the hobby now hes in it for himself and only himself. You have to take that into consideration.
  • Look at it this way all the wonderfull rips we have been enjoying on the forums one call to steve hart and he helps hunt down all the boxes we need at great prices. The one time i inquired to murphy about a run of boxes his response was ." I have what I have " and what about a discount on 32 boxes and $2,000 Marks response "Discounts are posted on the website I cannot offer anymore than that"
    Sorry but murphy is now a schmuck.

  • gregmo32gregmo32 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭
    I don't disagree that Steve is a better businessman and have not heard a single negative thing about him or his business. He would almost certainly be my first choice to buy from. My only point is that in the unopened card business, there are so many disreputable, bad sellers out there that we should be careful not to degrade one of the few trustworthy sellers with a long track record. Murphy certainly does not have the same standing he once did, but it is not because he sells packs that have been resealed, or searched, etc. There are a lot of bad eggs out there and he is not one of them. My dealings with him have been top notch.
    I am buying and trading for RC's of Wilt Chamberlain, George Mikan, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Jerry West, and Bob Cousy!
    Don't waste your time and fees listing on ebay before getting in touch me by PM or at gregmo32@aol.com !
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with griffins.

    And Steve Hart is the way to go. There are also many very reputable private collectors who sell quality stuff. The key is to do your research and know who you're buying from.

    I am skeptical about a dealer who sells gem mint graded packs on his own site that he himself graded gem mint.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • The unopened wax business is very spotty. There are many trustworthy sellers out there, but with the nature of the product, one or two bad deals can sour you forever.

    I think thats why people tend to gravitate towards one or two big national dealers, and then stay put. You pay a little more, but you get piece of mind.

    Off the top of my head, I haven't had any problems with..

    -Pittsburgh Wholesale (lots of 80's)
    -DA Card World
    -BBC Exchange

    For 80's stuff, BBC Exchange's selection and pricing is about as good as it gets. You get next day shipping, and an easy online ordering system.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I guess - based on people's input...

    I'm not gonna link BBCKid here anymore...

    I could get my membership revoked!
  • This might (probally will) sound stupid but wasn't there a Brian that worked or was partners at BBCE?

    2 seperate questions here not to be related!!!!!!

    also for the whiners out there you do not get every card you want out of a BOX (example) I opened 1 whole box of 84 Donruss and didnot get joe smoe or joe carter it must have been searched duh 36 packs x 15 = 540 cards set is 660.
    wake up smell the coffee or the pot plants either one is acceptable!!!!!!!!!


    PS: everybody gets fooled and everybody makes mistakes
  • RonBurgundyRonBurgundy Posts: 5,491 ✭✭✭
    Why is it that many threads like this deteriorate into attacks on {insert name of dealer or grading company} without any supporting facts? For example, the sole complaint I've seen about Mark Murphy from this thread is that he was rude to someone and that he had a relationship with GAI (uh-oh). I've yet to see any threads stating facts to demonstrate something relevant, like whether or not he searches his unopened material.

    FYI, I have no dog in this fight. I don't buy much, if any, unopened material. Although I would agree Steve Hart seems to be a good guy judging from all the accolades he gets on this board, it baffles me why some choose to build certain dealers up by tearing others down. It's the same thing with threads bashing SGC, GAI, BGC, etc. That is a major reason why I have spent less time on this board during the past few months. It's tiresome and gets old real quick.

    Stay classy,

    Ron Burgundy

    Buying Vintage, all sports.
    Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think anyone here is "attacking" anyone's credibility here. We're all collectors and simply sharing our opinions and points of view. That's what these boards are for. No need for such hyperbole.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
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