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sentimental value

I would like to know how you guys handle selling stuff that has sentimental value? All of my stuff reminds me of my childhood and my father. When I sell something I think I feel sellers remorse...if there is such a thing. How do you put your emotional ties to your stuff aside, I feel like I'm leaving a baby on someone's doorstep when I put that stuff in the mail. I know some of you guys will say just keep it, but I cant. I need the room and could always use the money. image


  • athleticsfanathleticsfan Posts: 251 ✭✭✭
    I've been there. Try selling only a few things at a time rather than all at once. That way its not so dramatic.
    A's World Championships-1910, 1911, 1913, 1929, 1930, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1989
  • Look at it this way...you will always have the memories!! Now take the cards....make room...make some $$$$ and spend it on that little one that you have pictured in your avatar!!
    Use the money to generate new memories with your own little ones now!! And always let them know that grandpa helped out and his memory will now be a part of the rest of their lives..as well as yours!!
  • Wow, great points...that's what I needed to hear!!!!
    My little one will be inheriting the best of Grandpa's/Daddy's collection.
    Thanks for putting everything in perspective!!!
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    For me, I have determined I have too much stuff that has "sentimental value." Our house is only so big and it's great getting money when you sell something! Plus, I now love freeing the space. It has been particularly easy to get rid of stuff that I have duplicates of. A little tougher on items I only have 1 of. Cards are one thing but a lot of sports memorabilia takes up more space and is even better to get rid of. As an example, do I really need those 1992 (or wahtever year it was) McDonald's Dream Team plastic cups? They will NEVER be worth any money. If not worth real money they time to donate to Goodwill! Old Sport's Illustrateds and sporting event programs will go one of these days....
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