To remove from paper or not?
in Stamps Forum
I bought a bunch of stamps at a flea market and found among them a Scott's #2 10c Washinton in great condition but is still on the paper. Will stamps this old be ruined if dipped in warm water? I would hate to wash it and have a rare stamp become a worthless piece of paper.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Your stamp would not be devalued by soaking it off. Unfortunately, that crease will decrease the value by mulitples of catalog value.
Once a crease has broken the fibers in the paper, it can be made to look better, but then you are just devaluing the stamp further. It would be called a pressed crease then. Same thing happens with currency.
I'm not sure about only 200 #2 in existence as a #2 is not really a rare stamp.
Thankyou for the replies about soaking. I am more confident about not destroying it or any value now.