AP Reports Real Details of Pat Tillman's Death

in Sports Talk
""Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat (expletive) Tillman, damn it!" he shouted, again and again.
The latest inquiry into Tillman's death by friendly fire should end next month; authorities have said they intend to release to the public only a synopsis of their report. But The Associated Press has combed through the results of more than two years of investigations — reviewed thousands of pages of internal Army documents, interviewed dozens of people familiar with the case — and uncovered some startling findings. "
""Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat (expletive) Tillman, damn it!" he shouted, again and again.
The latest inquiry into Tillman's death by friendly fire should end next month; authorities have said they intend to release to the public only a synopsis of their report. But The Associated Press has combed through the results of more than two years of investigations — reviewed thousands of pages of internal Army documents, interviewed dozens of people familiar with the case — and uncovered some startling findings. "
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having lost a child myself i can sympathize with those parents.
What sucks about Tillman, is the military tried to make him out as a NFL warrior who died in battle, and therefore came the cover ups. I am sure many American deaths over there were a result of a dumb ass on our side with a weapon. But since Tillman gave up millions of dollars "for the cause," the Army used his death as a way of promotion! Whether he was a former football star, or a regular old Joe Blow from Anytown, USA, as the news of his death came out, he should have been treated as just a "regular" American soldier! If so, the cover up would never have happened. Everybody knows that many soldiers die from "friendly fire," it sucks that it happens, but it does, no matter how much you train, nothing can prepare you for metal whizzing past your head! In the heat of battle, instincts kick in as much as your training does, and accidents do happen!
The cover up is the crime here and some have faced the penalty. Those higher up have yet to take blame. Many friendly fire incidents are glossed over, not just the high profile cases.
I spent 6 years as part of my profession making notifications to military families and arranging to bring military members home in emergencies, most of that during the current war. If you have the time check out the Rocky Mountain News website. There's a series about fallen Marines and their families that ran this week. Very touching.
Guess this is the best chance to thank all those veterans out there. Never served in the military although I am in federal service, but had the honor of helping you and your families in times of trouble.
My hat goes off to all of you and your families.
Thank you and Happy Veterans Day.
Hockey set! Always looking to buy, trade or upgrade 1966 Topps to 1969 OPC.
<< <i>What a waste....why not dust these mountainsides with some napalm before sending the boys in.... >>
Because the world cannot handle people dying in a vicious way! We are NOT allowed to do onto others as they have done onto us! In today's world, we are not allowed to go seek and destroy, we are to sit and take what they give us, until they run out of steam with their agendas! If it takes 2 or 3 decades and a 50,000 more Americans to die in collapsing towers, then so be it, war is evil, well, only if it is led by the United States!
Edited to add: by the way, for those who cannot understand sarcasm, this post is sarcasm!