Monthly long til they log your order??? UPDATE!!
I sent one in on 11/02 and was received 11/04 according to my Postal tracking number......still not logged on PSA's website. I called to see if there was a problem with the order and they said no, they were just back logged!! So when my submission finall gets logged as received, what order is it in as far as grading??? Guess it could technically be behind all the orders they've received between 11/04 and now huh???? Doesn't sound right...try to get an order there ASAP and it sits for days to be logged in at their end!!!!
Just got off the phone with another PSA rep. after the 3rd day of trying to find out why my submission had not been logged. I have asked EVERY time if it was a "problem" order and been told that is was not a problem order...they said the delay was due to them being back-logged entering them into the system. Well, now I get off the phone with a rep. today and find out it IS in a problem pile and I should have been emailed as to what was wrong (no email received as of today either!!). If I hadn't called three times to get to the bottom of this, how long would the order just sit there?? You would think if someone was inquiring that they would actually research what the call was about and get the proper answer to you....Now the weekend is here and they wont get the info. til tonite when I get home.....which pretty much means the order was delayed one week for a lame reason. (the problem was that I used some vouchers with the order and some were for a quicker turn-around time and they needed an email from me that stated I was forfeiting the quicker time.......I spent time on the phone with them over a month ago about using them and was told as long as the vouchers were for the same $ per card or higher I could just attach them to the order).
Sorry about the rant....just gets frustrating sometimes!
1994 Pro Line Live
Happens every time.
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports