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Lawnmowerman come in please...advice needed

Sorry about the off topic thread fellas but I have a question for Matt.

Is it best to leave one's lawn long or short going into the winter season? Basically I want to know if it is better for my lawn if I cut it just before the snow flies, or whether it is better to leave it uncut and a bit longer over the winter. I have been hearing conflicting info on this one and thought you might know.......

Thanks. Eyebone
"I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough


  • Emmitt Smith
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Emmitt Smith >>


    First off, thank Arthur for causing my Emmitt alarm to go off making me come in the house to see this thread image

    Its is better to leave your turf longer for the following reasons;

    Longer turf = more plant material = more room for the turf to store nutrients to help it through the winter. Also longer turf provides a little more blanket ( insulation ) to protect the crown. Obviously dont let it get too long like 7" or more. I would cut it at appr. 3" to 4". Just dont scalp it too low and you will be good.

    Of course winter will cause some dieback but fertilize the turf in March and it should come back nicely. Also its best to fertilize your turf 6x's per year.

    edit to add: 6 x's per year is too much if you get snow and ice. Down here in Florida 6 x's is the standard. Where you live you should fertilze 4x's per year

  • What Matt would tell you is that on the 22nd day from now cut 22 blades of grass and then wait another 22 days to see how fast it grows back. If the temperature drops below 22 don't touch it.

  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>What Matt would tell you is that on the 22nd day from now cut 22 blades of grass and then wait another 22 days to see how fast it grows back. If the temperature drops below 22 don't touch it.

    Dave >>

  • Matt,

    I like it but i have a feeling your pic is going to start a debate again image
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Matt,

    I like it but i have a feeling your pic is going to start a debate again image >>


    No arguing with the truth image
  • eyeboneeyebone Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Matt.

    Good thinking Arthur.

    "I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
  • image


  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,339 ✭✭✭✭

    I like it but i have a feeling your pic is going to start a debate again >>

    There really is no debate. Sure, some 49er slappy will argue that Jerry Rice is the best, but true fans of "Dancing with the Stars" know, Emmitt is the "best ever". Heck, he's even dancing in Matt's picture. At least he's fully clothed, which is rare for one of Matt's photos.
  • image

    Brilliant. I just saved that to my computer image

  • 2415 yards ... 18 TDs ... 843 rec yards ... 2 rec TDs

    That's enough to make any fantasy football player drool. Who could I be speaking of? Why it's Mosi Tatupu, of course. I have three words for you, my friends .... DEAL WITH IT!!!!

    So what if it was over 13 seasons? Erroneous!!!

  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>2415 yards ... 18 TDs ... 843 rec yards ... 2 rec TDs

    That's enough to make any fantasy football player drool. Who could I be speaking of? Why it's Mosi Tatupu, of course. I have three words for you, my friends .... DEAL WITH IT!!!!

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