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OT. For you guys over 50

Hi everyone, I have been posting off and on here for several years now. I have not posted in few months because of medical reasons. I was told I had colon cancer in Sep06 and went in for surgery to remove it. Fortunately they say they got it all and I am now at home recovering. I have to have Chemotherapy every Monday for the next 5 months. The side efects I am not too pleased with. I feel confident that everything will turn out for the best. Having this exoerience makes one set his priorties in order and see things more clearly. Family is paramount. I am 62 and never had to be admitted to a hospital until this happened. I will retire soon from my job with The Department of Defense interviewing soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan who are retiring or just separating from the Army. A very interesting job to say the least. These young men have some amazing stories to tell. Being a Vietnam Vet they find it easier to open up.

My purpose of the message is to ask all of you not to do what I did. I waited much too long to have myself checked out for cancer. There were signs a couple of years ago and I ignored them because I was too busy. Please, please, please have yourself examined. Thanks letting me rant.

Also I like to thank board member Fabfrank for his support during this time.

On a lighter note, I will be listing some cards for you to look at. Medical bills dictate this move.
Some of the cards are:

2 1933 Goudey's PSA 8 NQ #'s 68,124
2 1933 Sport Kings PSA 8 NQ #'s 7, 9
1961 Topps #517 McCovey PSA 9

I will list the cards on the vintage board. I hope I don't upset anyone for mentioning the cards this on this board.image

email address: alohaet@hotmail.com


  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    Take care Ed and good luck with the treatments.

    If anyone raises a fuss about your posting the cards here, I know a couple of guys that do wonders with a 2x4 and a bicycle chain that could pay them a visit.

    Good luck buddy,


    My Auctions
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Best of luck Ed, both with the auctions and with your treatment. We truly take a lot for granted when things are going well.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    i hope you start feeling better real soon Ed.. aloha!
  • gosteelersgosteelers Posts: 2,668 ✭✭✭
    Take care Ed, here's to a speedy recovery...
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Ed

    Sorry to hear about your health but happy to hear things are looking up!

    Welcome back - don't be a stranger - and I wish you all the best.

    Now ya got me scared - I'm overdue for a physical!

  • DeutscherGeistDeutscherGeist Posts: 2,990 ✭✭✭✭

    I am so sorry about your condition. My father was diagnosed with the same thing just last year. He is in remission though.

    Men tend to wait till something really hurts until getting it checked. This is truely unfortunate. Everyone should get a physical twice a year. A colonoscopy is recommended once every three years for men above 50. Do not think about it, just get the necessary tests done. Colon cancer is very treatable in its early stages. Even in later stages there is hope, but why take such risks?

    Thanks for this message and I hope fewer people have to suffer from this silent but very deadly killer. Take care Ed and take good care of your body. I know the chemo is tough. I took care of my father and saw first hand what goes on. Not a pretty site at all.

    "So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

    BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    Best wishes to you Ed.

    Thanks for showing concern for the rest of us who are at a point where we dont recognize the need to have these things checked out. I for one procrastinate over having anything checked out, and its reminders from good folks such as yourself who have been there and gone through ordeals that give me the kick in the a$$ to address the need.

    Unfortunate that you have to part with some of your collection. Hopefully you can get more than you expected for them and relieve yourself of the stress over any medical bills youll have flowing in.

    Good luck to you and your family.


    edited to add....Im still far off from 50, but its never too soon to start taking care of business when it comes to health. I never worried too much, but with a wedding coming up, and starting a family after that Im sure it will move way up the priority list.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭
    Good Luck Ed.Hope all goes well.The advise you give should be taken seriously.I have had some medical issues in the last few years that I was not aware of since I had been feeling good not cancer however other issues which were found and taken care of before they caused more damage.Family and health should be a priority for all.
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words of encouragement. This is why I enjoy this board. If I have made anyone more aware of getting tested then I am glad I posted this. I am now a firm believer in the old saying "If you have your health you have everything". Good luck and good health to all.

    email address: alohaet@hotmail.com
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    best wishes for a speedy recovery. Our thoughts will be with you and your family.
    And a big thanks for the work you do with our guys that are giving so much for all of us.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • << <i>Hi everyone, I have been posting off and on here for several years now. I have not posted in few months because of medical reasons. I was told I had colon cancer in Sep06 and went in for surgery to remove it. Fortunately they say they got it all and I am now at home recovering. I have to have Chemotherapy every Monday for the next 5 months. The side efects I am not too pleased with. I feel confident that everything will turn out for the best. Having this exoerience makes one set his priorties in order and see things more clearly. Family is paramount. I am 62 and never had to be admitted to a hospital until this happened. I will retire soon from my job with The Department of Defense interviewing soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan who are retiring or just separating from the Army. A very interesting job to say the least. These young men have some amazing stories to tell. Being a Vietnam Vet they find it easier to open up.

    My purpose of the message is to ask all of you not to do what I did. I waited much too long to have myself checked out for cancer. There were signs a couple of years ago and I ignored them because I was too busy. Please, please, please have yourself examined. Thanks letting me rant.

    Also I like to thank board member Fabfrank for his support during this time.

    On a lighter note, I will be listing some cards for you to look at. Medical bills dictate this move.
    Some of the cards are:

    2 1933 Goudey's PSA 8 NQ #'s 68,124
    2 1933 Sport Kings PSA 8 NQ #'s 7, 9
    1961 Topps #517 McCovey PSA 9

    I will list the cards on the vintage board. I hope I don't upset anyone for mentioning the cards this on this board.image

    alohaet >>


    You are and always have been one of my favorite members on here and a great guy to deal with. Hope you feel better! Chemotherapy can be very difficult; hang in there!

    Your friend,

  • lostdart58lostdart58 Posts: 2,938 ✭✭✭
    Be well Ed and thanks for the advise. image
    Collector of:Baseball
    1955 Bowman Raw complete with 90% Ex-NR or better

    Now seeking 1949 Eureka Sportstamps...NM condition
    Working on '78 Autographed set now 99.9% complete -
    Working on '89 Topps autoed set now complete

  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    Hope everything works out Ed....What DOD agency do you work for ?? I work for DFAS here in Cleveland.

  • HoofHeartedHoofHearted Posts: 2,537 ✭✭

    << <i>I am now a firm believer in the old saying "If you have your health you have everything". Ed >>

    No truer words were ever spoken. I'm so grateful for my family's relatively good health. We have our aches and pains, but overall we're very fortunate. I jokingly complain at work about being too healthy and not getting to "enjoy" any time off like most of the others around me who call in sick (or whatever) so often. I know things can change quickly with one diagnosis, so I appreciate each day of good health as it comes.

    I'm 53 and it's been a couple years since my last physical. It's time for another. Thanks for the reminder!

    Thanks for sharing your life's experience and image !!
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, best of luck in your recovery Edimage

    I knew you hadn't posted here in quite a while, but didn't realize why. I had to deal with my own health scare earlier this year. Last December, I was out doing my annual Air Force fitness run and had a near heart attack. I went in for tests and the cardiologist found a partially blocked artery in my heart. They inserted a catheter and "roto-rooted" me...everything since has worked out really well. The blockage was found early enough that it hadn't done any serious damage. Even though I'm Air Force, I was seen by an Army cardiologist, and he was awesome! He really disproved alot of the stories I'd heard about Army medicine (probably was just due to inter-service rivalry).

    You've been a great forum member here, and I hope you're able to keep it up! image

  • MantlefanMantlefan Posts: 1,079 ✭✭
    Speedy recovery Ed!

    Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    best of luck ed.

    Good for you.
  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭
    Thank God you got it in time Ed. Hope you feel better soon.

    I've been doing the annual physical every year since I turned 40. I have an ultra conservative doctor who wants everything checked out, and although I fight her tooth and nail, I know I'm in good hands. Nothing's sneaking up on me (knock on wood) and annual check-ups is the only way to go. Thanks for posting an important message.
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • ArnyVeeArnyVee Posts: 4,245 ✭✭
    Keep positive Ed and continued good luck!

    Chemo is not fun, but you'll do fine! image
    * '72 BASEBALL #15 100%
    * T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
    * L. TIANT BASIC #1
    * DRYSDALE BASIC #4 100%
    * '65 DISNEYLAND #2
    * '78 ELVIS PRESLEY #6
    * '78 THREE'S COMPANY #1


  • Good luck and speady recovery Ed!
  • WOW! You guys are great you have lifted my spirits. I really enjoy your stories and words of wisdom. We all have or know someone who has had medical problems and prevailed. We all need feedback when we are down and I for one came to the right place. Thank you all.

    email address: alohaet@hotmail.com
  • Oops hit the send button twice.

    email address: alohaet@hotmail.com
  • I've known Ed through these boards for the last few years and there is not a better person to talk and deal with. I'm glad that you are on the road to recovery Ed and please keep in touch with your progress.

    You do the guys on this board a great service reminding us that we are not all invinvible and need to go for our annual COMPLETE physicals (not just the "say ahh" and listen to your heart checkup).

    Prevention and early detection are the key to to staying healthy.
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    Good to see you back, hope that everything works for the best!! Do not let the chemo get you down!! Will keep you in the prayers. Hope you get a some good money for your cards!!
  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭
    Colonoscopies are not exactly fun, but they are painless and can give you a lot of peace of mind and or the ablity to prevent polyps from becoming a problem. A plain physical will not turn up the problem, and when you get symptoms, you already have a problem.

    Good luck, ED. I have experienced cancer myself, although of a different kind
    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
    Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭

    speedy recovery for sure and sounds like we could all take a page from your proper perspective!

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