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Why do eBay sellers...

post horrible fuzzy digital camera pictures of vintage 50's and 60's cards instead of scans? I don't get it. You can get a scanner for $79. Do they really sell these cards?


  • They do that so the potential buyer can't really see how horrible the condition is...they are relying on the collector's impluse purchase behavior.
  • Camera is sooo much easier.

    Some of us have nothing to hide, but are just too darn old, infirmed or simply too lazy to setup the flatbed to a laptop. There are terrific surprises for those investigating not only the photo, but seller's bio/history.
  • fdny, I see where you're coming from. But don't you think that the pictures scare off more potential buyers than anything? I've got no problem if someone wants to use a digital photo as opposed to a scan but why in the world can't they ever seem to properly focus the thing?

    And what's with taking the picture from 12 feet away and at a 30 degree angle? I would think it's just as easy to take the photo head-on and in focus. Most modern digital cameras will provide auto focus.

    Many, many, many times I've wanted to bid on a card but the 12 feet/fuzzy picture just screamed "Stay away."

  • cohocorpcohocorp Posts: 1,371 ✭✭
    i think laziness has a part in it also
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    It's 100% laziness. I have a digital camera and I have a scanner. I am not a big time seller. I sell about 100 cards a year and usually at about the same time like now. It is just sooooooo much easier with the camera. If just one or two cards the scanner is great but when you do 50 or 100 cards, as I recently did, the camera is just too easy. I have a wife, 2 kids, a job, etc.... I don't disagree with you that scanner is better but just too slow for this small time seller.
  • When the seller is to lazy to put up a good scan, you gotta wonder how lazy they might be when it comes to shipping your card out. Will they be too lazy to properly protect your card? Will they be too lazy to respond to your email questions?
  • They must be losing money when they're selling graded cards of HOFers and they post digital pics, especially as Xanadu said at an angle from several feet away. No way they are getting nearly as much as they could.
  • 1966CUDA1966CUDA Posts: 2,008 ✭✭✭✭
    What is wrong with this attached "photo"?? If you use a good digital and take efforts to get a good shot they can come out a good as a scan. This doesn't hide anything does it? I use a digital for 99% of my listings. -Claude

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    I'd say that is the exception, not the rule, when it comes to digital photos.

    The best are ones where the flash goes off, or they have their thumb over the lens, or any number of errors that make the cards look unpresentable.
  • Nothing wrong with that pic, it's clear and he provided a close up. It's the ones that are at an angle, or so far away you can't even read the label.
  • I use a scanner that is new that takes blurry images, and I can snap 20 pics with a digital camera that also are not clear. As a buyer, before I jump to conclusions, I would check out a sellers feedback to see what is up with his/her integrity. I would not bid top dollar for anything unless I do see a clear picture, but I would still make a big dollar purchase in person, or I would just go without. On the otherhand, I have benefitted really well with bidding low on high end material that did not even have a picture in the auction, all it takes in most instances, is asking the seller to describe a card! Not ALL sellers are snakes!

  • << <i>When the seller is to lazy to put up a good scan, you gotta wonder how lazy they might be when it comes to shipping your card out. Will they be too lazy to properly protect your card? Will they be too lazy to respond to your email questions? >>

    I have to agree that if the picture is really bad, to the point you don't really know what you are buying then that is a big sign not to buy from this seller. I will not sell something unless I can provide a picture(s) that let you know exactly what you are buying. I also think it leaves the door open for a seller to send a lesser grade card and possibly get away with it because you don't have a clear picture to go by...buyer beware!
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