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I've been a lucky collector lately **LARGE PICS**

If I carry on here, I apologize. I've had some good fortune and I wanted to share the story with you all.

This summer I was able to take in 2 Red Sox games with my best friend. Well, actually one, because we left after a 4 hour rain delay at the first one,
only to have it start 1 hour after we left. These were my first Sox games since 78-79 when my Dad took me with my Little League team.

The first time there I bought a MLB authenticated Red Sox/Baltimore gu ball. I get on the MLB web site and find out it's from 8/12/06. It was a game
Jonathan Papelbon won and I am a huge fan of his, so I was thrilled. I noticed they had MLB authenticated gu line up cards for sale there also.
On my next trip I was able to buy the lineup card from the same game. Wow, was I pumped! So now I have 2 gu items from a game Papelbon won,
a nice score for a fan of his.

A few weeks ago, I read in a local paper that Jonathan will be doing some charity work for a local Native American tribe. I contact the gentleman listed
for information (a really nice guy) and asked him if I could send the ball to get signed. He tells me he is friends with Jonathan and that he can get
Jonathan to sign a few items for me. So I pack up my ball, a picture insert from the Boston Globe, a Topps card, replica jersey and a disposable camera
along with a donation to the charity. I also included a thank you note to the guy doing this for me and a letter to Jonathan. I gotta admit, I was a bit
nervous about letting that ball go in the mail.

A week goes by then on Thursday I arrive home to a package. image

I rip into it and find these! image


I see that the camera has been used so I rushed to Wal Mart and got these pics back. I was thrilled with these pictures!


It was great of Jonathan and his friend to do this for me. They have no idea how thrilled I am to have these autographs! I can't believe my luck!
I just had to share this with some people who could appreciate it. image
Looking for Carl Willey items.


  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    It makes me smile when I see a nice story like this, nice items too. One of my very good friends has DAvid Oritiz and MAnny around all the time, I am trying to get one of those turkey red cards auto'd by Ortiz. I guess he is jsut as nice a guy in person as on the field. I think this card below would look great auto'd in blue sharpie eh??

  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    What a cool story - thanks for sharing that with us!
  • Tedw9Tedw9 Posts: 1,424 ✭✭
    Thanks for the kind words. image

    That card would look sweet signed in blue. Papi seems to have the personality to light up a room. He is one player I would love to meet! Good luck getting your card signed and post a pic if you do.
    Looking for Carl Willey items.
  • Ted,

    That's a great story! Have you seen the ad on NESN with the old Yankee fan? He talks about how he met Papelbon and considers him one of the finest human beings ever. He goes on to say that he's been a Yankee fan for so- and-so amount of decades except when Papelbon is pitching, then he's rooting for the Red Sox. It's a pretty cool ad.


  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    awesome.. Papelbon went to high school in my town..
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926
    Very cool story image

    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    JDRF Donation
  • Very cool indeed. We just had Robert Brooks in yesterday for a signing at the store I work at. For anyone who doesn't remember he played for the Packers from 1992-98. Anyway he is also a super nice guy and was very friendly to everyone there. It's great to find that not all modern players have bad attitude's and big ego's.
  • IronmanfanIronmanfan Posts: 5,504 ✭✭✭✭
    Love the story & pictures.......Nice Job!!
    Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great story Ted!

    Wow! Thanx for sharing - I resized the pics so they don't eat the screen - a bit easier to see entirely.








    thanx for sharing!
    Super stuff!
  • Tedw9Tedw9 Posts: 1,424 ✭✭
    Thanks for the kind words everyone!

    And thank you Stone for resizing the pics. I will get my wife to fix the ones I posted once my server is back online. image
    Looking for Carl Willey items.
  • Ted:

    Really nice stuff!
  • That's really neat that he took pictures! Great story!
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