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It would be nice if Topps would QC their 1/1's...

I'm ecstatic that I was lucky enough to have found and now own this Sabo 1/1! ... I just wish the centering was a little better.

Ya know... it would be nice if card manufactures (like Topps) would at least put a little QC into their 1/1's. The corners, edges, and surface on this card are great! ... but that centering really bummed me out. I decided to send this to BGS in hopes that I'd get a soft grade and get lucky... maybe a 9.0

I figure if I send this to PSA, I'd get an 8, or a 9oc... YUCK! What do you think? I'd have no problems with cracking and re-submitting this to PSA if most think it'd be a straight 9... but I'd be surprised. I'd rather not risk damaging it just for it to come back an 8 or 9oc. Again, the corners, surface, and edges are great... those aren't a problem.

I collect and submitt to both Beckett and PSA (exclusively.) Eventually, I'd like to have as many of Sabo's cards graded by both PSA and BGS.


Anybody else have a 1/1 card with horrid QC ???

ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!


  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Nice card. It's a 9. I'm sure you get this a lot, but why the fascination with Sabo?

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Nice card. It's a 9. I'm sure you get this a lot, but why the fascination with Sabo?

    Lee >>

    Agreed. Ignore BGS's goofy subgrades and look at the card in its entirety-- the centering is 60/40 ish, corners are sharp, etc. etc. PSA wouldn't have any problem putting that card in the proper slab.

    Also, I think more QC on 1/1's would be easier said than done. What if someone pulled this card off the line for being OC? I'm sure it came from a sheet, so you'd have to go back and print up another sheet, cut this card out, and so on. Although, on second thought, for the money they charge for packs it does seem like they could make a little stronger effort.
  • ElemenopeoElemenopeo Posts: 2,577 ✭✭

    I'd agree that the centering would still be good enough for an unqualified 9.

  • onefasttalononefasttalon Posts: 1,207 ✭✭✭
    CDsNuts - The more I think about it, I think everyone is right, I think I will crack and re-submitt in hopes to get a 9 out of it. Why the fascination with Chris Sabo? ... well, ya have to collect someone, right? Long story made short, he was in his prime (all three years of it) when I was 13-14 years old, and he made a huge impression on me at that time while attending a few Reds games back in the late 80's/early 90's. Ever since then... I've just collected the guy's stuff, and really don't care that it's sooo cheap, it's easy to get just about anything I want very affordably! In fact, that's one of the biggest appeals!

    Boopotts - Again, thanks for the assurance that it will grade out properly. You're right, integrating more QC is easier said than done... just a bummer when you're lucky enough to have found a 1/1 that you never thought you'd see in a lifetime... and it's OC. AND... you're right again! With some packs hitting the market at nearly (or exceeding) $500/pack!!! Let's hire someone other than Stevie Wonder to do the QC, huh?!?!??

    Elemenopeo - And again... thanks. Yep, I think I'll crack this one out and see what PSA has to say about it. Worse case scenario, it comes back an 8, but at least it'll still be slabbed and protected!

    ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!

  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    Well if this card is OC, its neighbors on the sheet of 1 of 1's must all be as well.
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