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Please explain this to me I dont get it ????

How is it people are paying upwards of $7 grand on a Sidney Crosby card and yet a Gretzky PSA 9 or ORR PSA 8 dont even get that high. I mean what has this kid done?? He hasnt put the time in scored the goals or blocked the pucks that Gretzky or Orr to name a few have and lets face it chances are he wont either. This part of the card world just leaves me puzzled.image
ALWAYS LOOKING TO BUY HIGH GRADE 79/80 OPC HOCKEY !!! & Upper Deck "Ice Scripts" Cards


  • BigRedMachineBigRedMachine Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭
    It surprises me also and I certainly don't understand it. I guess if you have enough disposable income to buy what you want, when you want, you see prices jump to these obscene (to me) prices. I've come to just say, "Good for them, wish I could."

    I used a similar example recently. I saw a Reggie Bush card (not even auto'd) go for an outrageous price. The buyer could've had his pick of a PSA 7 Jim Brown rookie, a PSA 8 Gale Sayers rookie, or a PSA 9 Walter Payton rookie for much less than the price went for the Bush card. I think it's a football relevent example of your hockey one.

    Perhaps the buyer already has the rest of the cards we're mentioning??

  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭
    All I can say is; I see dumb people
  • where's Stills, Nash and Young?
  • Thanks guys I was worried maybe I was missing something. I guess I should be happy for them and myself as well because atleast they are not driving up the price's as quickly on the real gems.
    ALWAYS LOOKING TO BUY HIGH GRADE 79/80 OPC HOCKEY !!! & Upper Deck "Ice Scripts" Cards

  • jfkheatjfkheat Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The sad thing is in a few years the high $ Crosby or Bush card will be worth about 10% of what it is selling for now.
  • I sat at a local card show last weekend....it's onlt the 2nd time there...will be the last too...but that's another story..

    All day..people were dropping $100..$150...$200 on new shiney junk wax. They's sit there and rip and get nothing. Then go buy another box...1/2 the people were leaving the commons at the tables.
    People were looking for jerseys and autos...even the buyers..that's ALL the whole show seemed to care about.

    Then you get me sitting there with 2- 8ft. tabled...5 showcases...LOADED with PSA 9's and 10's....$10K in Jordan stuff.....every rookie from 1980 up that you can think of....15-20 sets from vending factory sets..and racks (84 Topps...84 Donruss...86 Topps FB..87 Topps FB...)...

    The ladies aside of me sold about $3K in wax....now even at that...with what little mark up there was..they didn't make a lot...

    But the kicker...I did all of $100!!! That's it...total....paid for the table and bought supper and I was done!!

    This weeks show is already going to be different...emails have already come in...the vintage people are out in force here...

    2 shows...30 miles apart....no rhyme or reason....
  • 7 grand, Holy Crap, I'm glad Crosby's not in any of my searches.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Don't get me wrong because I fully agree with you guys and the money that is dropped on the new stuff.

    I believe its the thrill of the gamble. They are really into their new stuff and trying to hit big.

    When collectors who are into vintage say these things, they are called "Elitists" making it sound vintage collectors are above and beyond the modern market collectors.

    I guess its all what you like, the money you want to blow, and the gambles you enjoy taking.

    Unless you have the dough to blow, its difficult to fathom the thought of lying down 150/box, ripping 3 or 4 boxes and understanding you took the risk and just lost 450/600 bucks. Sure, there are hits every now and then but its almost a guaranteed losing venture. The only way to beat those odds is to open up A LOT of that stuff...so much that you are going to get a couple of hits and have access to sell the remaining cards, SPs, and inserts at some decent prices...enough to get a good percentage of your money back and your big hits being the profit.

    I'll take a PSA 8 1968 Topps Mickey Mantle over 3-4 of those boxes any day....but thats just me! To each their own! image
  • BigRedMachineBigRedMachine Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭
    yankeeno7......While I completely agree with your above post, I think high dollar boxes are different.

    I buy a little bit of everything now, and try to concentrate on older, psa stuff. But man, there's nothing like the thrill of opening wax, and I succumb every several weeks and "have" to have a hobby box or two of something. It's the thrill of the chase, and although I'm almost always left disappointed these days, the craving still comes back. So I understand your point.

    What I don't understand is $7k for a Crosby card. Or $1K for a Reggie Bush. Where's the thrill there? If it's there, that's what I don't get. Like was said before, more than likely these cards will be worth 10% of what they are now in a few years. Whether it's Crosby or Bush this year, or the $1K spent on Cadillac Williams autos last year, or Ichiro a few years back, or Brien Taylor way back.......collectors keep dumping money hand over fist for these high dollar rookies and the percentage that come close to holding their value has got to be very, very low. Yet it keeps happening every year.

    At least when you buy the boxes, you have a chance at pulling one of these big cards and SELLING immediately. That makes more sense to me anyway.

  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭

    I completely agree with your post. I also will go and grab a new box every now and then because I get enjoyment of ripping packs! Hell, I even bought a case of 2006 Topps Heritage! LOL I didnt get squat but I had a GREAT time opening.

    I guess I pretty much skipped the part of buying a single card for those crazy prices and concentrated on the unopened discussion. I agree that it's hard to understand.

    The only thing I can think of is that people are MUCH more impatient these days. People crave immediate satisifaction. I deal with it at my job ALL the time (health care). It doesnt matter what it is...everyone wants to be satisfied NOW. With this impatience and for some, the ability to blow ungodly amounts of money without blinking, its a monster created. Not by the people selling the stuff but by the buyers.

    Absolutely correct...99% of the stuff will bomb. Take a look at Barry Bonds rookies even. Only cards I can think of that haven't bombed are Pujols. Yes, some stay fairly steady and that's good for the hobby but I agree that its hard to understand a new card of an unproven player for 7000 bucks or even 1000 bucks.

    The countrys income levels are also separating...less middle class and more of the upper and lower class incomes. That makes for more people with a lot more money to spend leaving us middle class and lower class without a chance unless we open it out of a pack ourselves...and then, again where I agree with you...sell it! Sell it to those rich SUCKERS! LOL
  • scooter729scooter729 Posts: 1,730 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I sat at a local card show last weekend....it's onlt the 2nd time there...will be the last too...but that's another story..

    All day..people were dropping $100..$150...$200 on new shiney junk wax. They's sit there and rip and get nothing. Then go buy another box...1/2 the people were leaving the commons at the tables.
    People were looking for jerseys and autos...even the buyers..that's ALL the whole show seemed to care about.

    Then you get me sitting there with 2- 8ft. tabled...5 showcases...LOADED with PSA 9's and 10's....$10K in Jordan stuff.....every rookie from 1980 up that you can think of....15-20 sets from vending factory sets..and racks (84 Topps...84 Donruss...86 Topps FB..87 Topps FB...)...

    The ladies aside of me sold about $3K in wax....now even at that...with what little mark up there was..they didn't make a lot...

    But the kicker...I did all of $100!!! That's it...total....paid for the table and bought supper and I was done!!

    This weeks show is already going to be different...emails have already come in...the vintage people are out in force here...

    2 shows...30 miles apart....no rhyme or reason.... >>

    5Stat, rest assured, the Wilmington Shriner's show is in a week. Vintage lovers, rejoice, as the shiny wax can take a back seat at least for that weekend!
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