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Ebay Auction Assisstant?

I'm new to this board but I gather that a lot of regular posters here sell on Ebay. I'm interested in providing the nicest layout and pictures for the items I sell. Does anyone have any reccomendations as to an assisstant/helper software. I see some listings on Ebay use auctionlynxx and they look really nice. How about scans? I see listings with crystal clear pictures and would love to have that. I got a scanner that uses the CCCD(?) so you get a 3-D type scan for the graded cards. I scan using 300dpi and noticed a good improvement but not nearly as nice as some pictures I see in listings.

Thanks for your time


  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    One thing I always do is host my own pics instead of using ebay's pic hosting. Ebay tends to lower resolution to nothing.

    Another is to use "descreening" when you scan, if your scanner gives you that option.

    If you can scan larger resolution and then resize sometimes that makes nicer pix also.

    I don't like it but some folks sharpen up the pix with a photo editor, adding to brightness and contrast to make the card look brighter and whiten up the borders. When I get a card that has been tuned up I make a note and I won't buy from that seller again.

    I'm sure there's a lot better tips out there, maybe somebody else can help
  • athleticsfanathleticsfan Posts: 251 ✭✭✭
    PHOTOBUCKET is great for storing your images for free. I normally scan my images between 140 and 160 dpi and they look great.

    If you want your listings to have a professional look, this HTML tutorial is very useful.

    Also I would recommend Turbo Lister over any other trading assitstant software. Its free and with the HTML and photo hosting your listings can look as good as anyones.

    Good luck!
    A's World Championships-1910, 1911, 1913, 1929, 1930, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1989
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