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Cracking some slabs tonite and....

I am cracking a bunch of BGS slabs tonite and if your familiar with BGS you have to crack them out then cut them out of the mylar "baggy".

I ran into a problem. My 7 and 4 year old girls love to do the "crafty thing" just like their mommy, so my scissors I use to do this disappeared. I use really small craft scissors because you dont have to much room for error. If you use to big a pair of scissors you can accidently "trim" your cards.

Anyway wifey just got back from the craft store and brought me my new pair home. I go to pull them out of the sleeve they came in and look what I saw.

I had to laugh. You need scissors to get your new scissors out of the package! What if I didnt have another pair of scissors? Where would I be then? I would be scissorless with a bunch of BGS cards waiting to be freed!

Just thought this was ironic image



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