HOF sets composition additions -- Question
Posts: 2
Just curious as to why the recent group of Negro League/Black Ball HOF inductees are not included in the appliocable HOF sets.
Admittedly only some have "cards" from during their careers (Willard & Raymond Brown etc.)?
Before I emailed the Registry coordinators I thought I would canvass other HOF set collectors.
My opinion is that they should definitely be included in the applicable HOF sets.
Any thoughts?
Admittedly only some have "cards" from during their careers (Willard & Raymond Brown etc.)?
Before I emailed the Registry coordinators I thought I would canvass other HOF set collectors.
My opinion is that they should definitely be included in the applicable HOF sets.
Any thoughts?
Also they were elected on a separate ballot from the other candidates. This was a one time selection to make up for past injustices. It gives the HOF a chance to present itself with a more compassionate and balanced exhibition.
Judy Johnson, Satchel Paige, Cool Papa Bell, and Hilton Smith all made it in years ago competing evenly with past players, coaches, umpires, executives and pioneers.
In the end, it doesn't really matter. I don't envision anybody completing the set with or without those 17 members. If you want them added to the set composite I won't protest.
This thread was posted about the subject last February.
IMO, since they're in the Hall, they should be added to the sets.
Reap the whirlwind.
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