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How Many Credit Cards Promotions Do You Receive Per Week?

I get at least 1 per day - sometimes more.

But this one is really cool! They entitle it Stone - from my CU/ebay ID.




  • << <i>I get at least 1 per day - sometimes more.

    But this one is really cool! They entitle it Stone - from my CU/ebay ID.


    image >>

    At least you know who is leaking the information.

    Pimp On...
    Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
  • 1-2 per day here too. They increase around this time of year too.
  • Mike, is that an email, or snail mail? I get lots through the regular post, but my gmail filters take care of most spam.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mike, is that an email, or snail mail? I get lots through the regular post, but my gmail filters take care of most spam. >>

    This was mail.

    I was just having a bit of fun - the name was "computer selected" off the office address of 19375 Stone Oak Parkway.

  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    I get 10-12 mailings a week! I don't know who is sending them all my info.

    I bought a car about 2 months ago and now I get 3-5 mailings for extened warranties a week. That has to be the dealer leaking the info image


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  • Tedw9Tedw9 Posts: 1,424 ✭✭
    I get 5 or so per week. And my wife takes all the insert crap that they send with it, stuffs it back into the postage paid envelope and mails it back to them. Sometimes she even mixes them up, sends back the Mastercard junk to Visa and Visa to American Express. image
    Looking for Carl Willey items.
  • softparadesoftparade Posts: 9,281 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I get at least 1 per day - sometimes more.

    But this one is really cool! They entitle it Stone - from my CU/ebay ID.


    image >>

    image Mike, thats great!

    I get them all the time. I don't keep track but it is a load....

    ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    What I've been getting absolutely flooded with the last month or so have been refinance offers.

    I get easily 2-3 a day...every day...it's unreal.

  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,594 ✭✭✭✭
    I have an 89 year old Aunt who has no checking account, does everything with money orders. She needed her water bill and property tax bill paid on her house when she was in the hospital. I paid them with one of my checks. I now get refinancing offers and stuff from realtors offering to buy HER house from me. Nice that even my CITY is selling my info.
  • I get too many of them.

    The AMEX ones are always funny. They come in a very fancy envelope, fancy writing. I open it up and read the letter..."There are many milestones on the road to financial independence. The AMEX card is one of them....feel "privileged" because not everyone qualifies.....".

    Interesting...I should feel "privileged" to borrow money. And I'm suppose to feel good about it! That's some marketing job.

    These credit card companies have it better than the mob. Outrageous interest rates, tons of penalities and fees, clauses like universal default...and you're suppose to feel good about it. Jeez...
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    make sure to just grab the envelope, seal it, and thow it back inthe mail. If everyone did this they would stop sendoing out mail, in faact, they would go bankrupt. You think I am kidding> Imagine if each houshold sent back 10 or 20 of these things a week at commerical flat rate postage paid...fight back!
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    Rip is right. I don't get any anymore. Anytime I used to get one, I'd write a little note on the letter saying something like "Save a tree and take me off your mailing list" and mail it back in the provided envelope. Worked like a charm.
  • I get about 15 per week. Every once in a while my dog even gets one, not sure how that happens image
    Always looking for interesting Don Mattingly and New York Yankees related items.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    That's as bad as when two of my friends from work signed me up for online betting information.....get them hooked up with your house address and you'll soon be getting cd's to load betting sites, tip sheets, fantasy sheets, you name it, you'll get it if it's tied to gambling!image
  • We get about 10-15 per week and my 4 year-old really loves them, he calls them "Ethan's Letters" and he opens them while we open the important mail and he gets to play with the fake credit cards in them. A good time for all - until Daddy has to pick up the mess of papers in each room.
    Just glad to be here with everyone.
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