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An E-bay Good Guy

I very rarely bring up buyers or sellers I deal with in this forum but thought this guy was an exception.

First Off let me say how big of a knucklehead I was, I buy two cashiers checks, one is for $60 and the other is for $12 bucks. The $60 check was supposed to go to DSL, while the $12 check was to go to BBDiamonds are Forever for a 1955 Dusty Rhodes. Well, A few days pass and I receive my Dusty Rhodes card in better than expected condition with a note that reads, "Stephen, Enclosed is your card and a check meant for someone else," Thanks Dan.

The Guy didnt have to send the check back, He probably could have cashed it and I would have never known what happened to it. Just thought I would share an honest experience with an E-bay seller.And if you happen to need any raw vintage cards this guy sells some very nice ones as well.


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