Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

My turn for a giveaway, WINNER IN FIRST POST

I am long over due for a giveaway,This will be for a Y.N, Parents or Guradians can enter the kid of there choice
the giveaway will include the following

1 box filled with the following

1 unc Canadian silver Dollar(pre 64)
1 Roman coin already cleaned,
1/2 pound of world coins w/silver ++ a few extrasimageimage This will be loaded up with a nice mix of coins some au/bu some from the 1800's I am sure the Y.N's will love this one image

deadline will be Friday at Midnight
Drawing will be Saturday afternoon

Thanks to everyone who has given me advise,help& opinions over the years,I hope to be more active on the board as soon as I get my back taken care of,it looks like another surgury is going to happen image 6 already maybe 7 is the lucky number

image Thanks again MoJoMaN

Sorry for the delay someone hit a powerbox ,we just got the power back on

WINNER IS> TheKidCollector1991
pm your addy. Thanks everyone for joining imageimage
Ebay Seller I.D


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