Coin Show - Milwaukee Area - Tomorrow (10/15)
Our local coin club is having its second annual coin show tomorrow (Sunday) in Grafton, WI (about 20 minutes north of Milwaukee.) We'll have 29 tables, door prize drawings every 15 minutes, free wooden nickel, and admission is only $1.00 for adults. YNs get in free. It runs from 9:00 - 4:00.
It's at a place called Circle "B" Recreation and it's easy to find: I43 North to Grafton exit (HWY 60), west on HWY 60 for about 4 miles, and it'll be on your left just past the HWY I intersection. Can't miss it!
It'd be great to see/meet some of the forum members there!
Mike (Coppernicus)
It's at a place called Circle "B" Recreation and it's easy to find: I43 North to Grafton exit (HWY 60), west on HWY 60 for about 4 miles, and it'll be on your left just past the HWY I intersection. Can't miss it!
It'd be great to see/meet some of the forum members there!
Mike (Coppernicus)
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!