I didn't go all the way back to find the one neg but if it happens to be "mutually withdrawn" does it maintain 100% rating? If it doesn't count against the rating why would it still list as a neg?
The link does not work, but a withdrawn neg will be removed from the % count, but the comment will remain, unless the comment was vulgar etc.
Another possibility is a math function. Based on EBAY's math, 2001 unique positve FBs will equal 100%, provided there is only one (1) negative. This formula repeats itself at higher numbers as well.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
be removed from the % count, but the comment will
remain, unless the comment was vulgar etc.
Another possibility is a math function. Based on
EBAY's math, 2001 unique positve FBs will equal
100%, provided there is only one (1) negative.
This formula repeats itself at higher numbers as