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What's wrong with this picture?


I didn't go all the way back to find the one neg but if it happens to be "mutually withdrawn" does it maintain 100% rating? If it doesn't count against the rating why would it still list as a neg?



  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    The link does not work, but a withdrawn neg will
    be removed from the % count, but the comment will
    remain, unless the comment was vulgar etc.

    Another possibility is a math function. Based on
    EBAY's math, 2001 unique positve FBs will equal
    100%, provided there is only one (1) negative.
    This formula repeats itself at higher numbers as

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Thanks Storm. That answers my question. They've 9,000+ uniques and only one neg. Thanks for the info.

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