Anyone need a Denver mint swapper for state quarters??

I have tons ( well not tons, but alot) of circulated state quarters from the Denver mint. I need to swap my extras for some P's. I have a bunch of them in cardboard 2x2's and a bunch of them in plastic rolls. Anyone need a swappin' buddy?? Also lot's of Westward Journey nicks that I would love to swap for some Philly ones. Let me know.
Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
Yes, I need some Denver coins.
I'll try to get a list together of what I need.
Do you have a want list?
Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
Good sale to: Nicholasz219
The name is LEE!