YN Commemorative Contest

A proof 1982-S George Washington Commemorative half dollar to the YN who comes closest to PCGS's evaluation of the 1935 Old Spanish Trail commemorative half dollar pictured below. Please PM me with your evaluation and brief rationale by Friday, 8 PM EST. (In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by a random drawing.)

British Historical Medals https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOBxKspf6DVpvjgXptTKSr_tZcyeWIRJRBX7ZklmSP59IKhtiAkgF2NB0-Vxyhz1w?key=OGdSRXJtZWdsb2VodmNEdWJ4VF9jY01YdmJtRTlB
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
I think I pm'd you but if i didn't then ill guess Fine. It is a nice coin but there is no way its ms (no offence).
I take back what I said, I didnt compair it to another, so I thought it was way more worn that it was. I give it an au 58. Thanks
In addition to assigning grades to coins based on condition, a critical responsiblity of Third Party Grading firms is to determine a coin's authenticity. It is not at all unusual for the more valuable coins in a series to be counterfeited and this one is no exception. Diagnostics have long been published for the Spanish Trail to help distinguish between a fake and an authentic specimen. - if you're looking! Someone paid $725 for this particular fake years ago-an expensive lesson.
Given that no one came particularly close to "bodybagged", my wife suggested and I agreed that we should have a drawing among all the entrants to determine who gets the Washington half. And the winner is....
PM me with your info and off it will go!
PS It's authentic!
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
I had to drag out a dealer's text on counterfeit detection years ago to confirm what PCGS had determined. I've since ordered a copy of my own and will post the details when it arrives.
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n