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some re-imaging

Well, I still haven't worked up enough motivation to start snapping pics, but I have upgraded my software for imaging my scans.

I had this sad looking canada 5 cents. The old software I had really bleached out the color and made the light cleaning look far more drastic than it does in hand:

1901 Canada 5 cents:

old pic

The new image is much closer. I think the scan still makes the coin far more worked over than it looks in hand, but I'd say it's at least a significant improvement.

new pic

I know it doesn't come close to the work some of you guys put out... butI'm getting better image


  • Silvereagle82Silvereagle82 Posts: 1,219 ✭✭✭

    You coin pics better pick up if you want to keep up with the quality standards you've set with your website !!!!!!image

  • HA!

    I appreciate the words of confidence, but I'm having to crawl back through most of the pages and update a lot of images, now that I have better software to edit my scans.

    I noticed you have some nice pics uploaded. Man, those netherland pieces have me all worked up... I must find one...
  • here's another:

    1909 Canada 5 Cents

    old pic

    new pic
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