Well, the reason i was asking was that I ran into a guy this weekend who makes wooden storage boxes. I told him I would contact him with the dimensions of the box I needed for him to make. He said he could probably make a box that size from cherry wood for around half or less of what I told him Mj Roop sells them for.
Judging by the graded slab capacity they advertise being the same and the fact that they can fit exactly 4 trays inside, I would say that it's measurements are substantially similar, if not exactly the same, as the black wood preservation case.
Those numbers are listed at their site as: 15-3/8"L x 9-1/4"W x 5-7/8"H.
beggers can't be choosers right?
Those numbers are listed at their site as: 15-3/8"L x 9-1/4"W x 5-7/8"H.