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VAMs from Long Beach

Didn't pick up any mind blowing spectacular ones but did see a few that others got. Bought from four dealers and here are some I can remember.

1889-O NGC 62 VAM-9A (or a new G clash variety)
1899 NGC 62 VAM-6A (R-6) (already have one in PCGS 64)
1900-S NGC 64 VAM-10A (R-6) (upgrades my NGC 63 of the variety)
1921 NGC 64 VAM-1A (pitted reverse, and good grade on the Top-100 variety)


1878 VAM-19 (very nice PL)
1878 VAM-80 (another PL)
1878 VAM-100
1878 VAM-114
1884-O VAM-10 (picked the nicest of a few I spotted in a dealer's stack)
1886-O not sure yet, another possible new find
1887 VAM-3A LDS (gotta stop buying these)
1887 VAM-5 (ponytail 7, doubled date, Top-100)
1887-O VAM-2 (doubled date, Top-100)
1887-O VAM-5 (doubled stars, Top-100)
1888 VAM-11 (doubled ear, Top-100)
1887-S VAM-2 (S/S, Top-100)
1889-O VAM-6 (doubled date, Top-100)
1889-O clashed, probably VAM-13D or a new variety
two 1891 VAM-2 (doubled ear, Top-100)
1891-O bizarre clash
twelve 1892-O (doubled ear, Top-100)
three 1892-O VAM-12 (MPD 9 in hair)
1892-O not sure yet
1896-S VAM-6 (S/S, Hot-50)

Well, that's all I remember right now.
Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
NSDR - Life Member
SSDC - Life Member
ANA - Pay As I Go Member


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    lavalava Posts: 3,286 ✭✭✭

    The `86-o and the `92-o sound intriguing, so I hope you have something there on these better dates.
    I brake for ear bars.
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    You tore it up! Glad I stayed on the east coast as there must not have been anything left in your wake!


    Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector
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    CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    There was plenty for everyone. Ash H picked up two really neat pieces in slabs. Mike Ash was pulling out a lot too.
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
    NSDR - Life Member
    SSDC - Life Member
    ANA - Pay As I Go Member
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    CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    The 1892-O is indeed an new find and something that has not been found on any date in the series. Very cool. It is out to Leroy with a handful of others on standby as soon as an eBay lot I am waiting for to check out arrives.

    edit -- I have to correct myself. Now I remember why I picked this one out. It is the VAM-4A, one of the few R-7 Morgan varieties of any date and the key to 1892-O. However, upon close inspection I have found a new feature that will update the description. Not sure if it will affect VAM-4 and VAM-4A as well as VAM-3 and VAM-3A. Leroy can sort all of that out. image
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
    NSDR - Life Member
    SSDC - Life Member
    ANA - Pay As I Go Member
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    HighReliefHighRelief Posts: 3,667 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice assembly of Vams John, you are definitely at the top of your game when it comes to the hunt. You came back with some nice Top 100's and a couple of unknowns yet to be attributed.

    What did you see in the 1891-O that makes it look like such a bizzare die clash?
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    CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139

    << <i>What did you see in the 1891-O that makes it look like such a bizzare die clash? >>

    The wing clash on the obverse is way down on the neck but the neck clash on the reverse is in a normall position through the n of In. They are irreconcilable meaning they came from separate clash episodes with different partner dies and were subsequently paired. No letter transfers are apparent.
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
    NSDR - Life Member
    SSDC - Life Member
    ANA - Pay As I Go Member

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