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Jupiter vs. Licinius

Hello folks,

Does anyone know of any more recent scholarship since the publication of RIC VII which addresses the reverse figure of "Licinius" riding the eagle on the Iovi Conservatori reverse from Arles? Personally, I would attribute it as Jupiter, given the attributes and composition of the the entire reverse, but Bruun describes him as the emperor:

Licinius AE3 with Eagleback reverse

Just wondering if someone has discussed this in a reference I don't happen to have in my library.

Thanks in advance,

--Zach Beasley
Research Site

Ancients, US and World Stores

Zach Beasley, member of ACCG, ANA, ANS and co-author of the award-winning column "The Internet Connection" in the Celator Magazine for ancient coins.


  • CIVITASCIVITAS Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭
    Hi Beast,

    It seems RIC changed the attribution. Cohen 96 is described as

    "IMP LICINIVS AVG. Son buste lauré et cuirassé a droite."

    Rx. "IOVI CONSERVATORI AVG. Aigle emportant a droite, Jupiter qui est assis sur lui et qui tient un foudre et un sceptre; a l'exergue, TARL"

    New coins listed monthly!

    Josh Moran

    CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
  • Howdy Josh! Too funny - I wonder why Bruun decided to describe him as Licinius when Cohen had set what certainly appears to be a correct precedent?

    How are you and Ben and the store? Are you guys setting up at the Baltimore show? I was toying with the idea of asking if you guys wanted to share a table.

    Thanks for the attribution verification!

    Research Site

    Ancients, US and World Stores

    Zach Beasley, member of ACCG, ANA, ANS and co-author of the award-winning column "The Internet Connection" in the Celator Magazine for ancient coins.
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