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Possible Find - Netherlands 25 Cents

A long while back, I purchased a small bag of 'foreign junk' (actually written on the small plastic bag) at a small auction out in the sticks.

I picked up the purchase for a buck, and inside was this coin and a few nice canadian large cents. I was updating my ID tags tonight, and I noticed this: 1848 is listed with a dot after date variety - 1849 is not... however there is an 1849/8 variety, which books awfully high.



Am I reaching, or does this strike anyone else as a possible example of the overdate? I know the image of the zoom is a little pixel heavy, sorry for that - but I noticed some odd noise on the upped left loop of the 9, plus there is some bulging around the base, and in hand you can see some evidence inside the loop of the 9 as well.

It's hard for me to say though, because the coin has a bit of contact marks, so it may just be wishful thinking.

Any opinions?


  • meh... after some internet searching of like examples, it appears that 1849 is common to have a dot after the date.

    still, I might have this one looked at, though it's probably nothing.
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